Configure this chart with External Gitaly

This document intends to provide documentation on how to configure this Helm chart with an external Gitaly service.

If you don’t have Gitaly configured, for on-premise or deployment to VM, consider using our Omnibus GitLab package.

External Gitaly services can be provided by Gitaly nodes, or Praefect clusters.

Configure the Chart

Disable the gitaly chart and the Gitaly service it provides, and point the other services to the external service.

You need to set the following properties:

The external Gitaly services will make use of their own instances of GitLab Shell. Depending your implementation, you can configure those with the secrets from this chart, or you can configure this chart’s secrets with the content from a predefined source.

You may need to set the following properties:

A complete example configuration, with two external services (external-gitaly.yml):

    enabled: false
      - name: default                   # required
        hostname: # required
        port: 8075                      # optional, default shown
      - name: praefect                  # required
        hostname:    # required
        port: 2305                      # Praefect uses port 2305
        tlsEnabled: false               # optional, overrides gitaly.tls.enabled
      secret: external-gitaly-token     # required
      key: token                        # optional, default shown
      enabled: false                    # optional, default shown

Example installation using the above configuration file in conjunction other configuration via gitlab.yml:

helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab  \
  -f gitlab.yml \
  -f external-gitaly.yml

Multiple external Gitaly

If your implementation uses multiple Gitaly nodes external to these charts, you can define multiple hosts as well. The syntax is slightly different, as to allow the complexity required.

An example values file is provided, which shows the appropriate set of configuration. The content of this values file is not interpreted correctly via --set arguments, so should be passed to Helm with the -f / --values flag.

Connecting to external Gitaly over TLS

If your external Gitaly server listens over TLS port, you can make your GitLab instance communicate with it over TLS. To do this, you have to

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing the certificate of the Gitaly server

    kubectl create secret generic gitlab-gitaly-tls-certificate --from-file=gitaly-tls.crt=<path to certificate>
  2. Add the certificate of external Gitaly server to the list of custom Certificate Authorities In the values file, specify the following

          - secret: gitlab-gitaly-tls-certificate

    or pass it to the helm upgrade command using --set

    --set global.certificates.customCAs[0].secret=gitlab-gitaly-tls-certificate
  3. To enable TLS for all Gitaly instances, set global.gitaly.tls.enabled: true.

          enabled: true

    To enable for instances individually, set tlsEnabled: true for that entry.

          - name: default
            tlsEnabled: true
You can choose any valid secret name and key for this, but make sure the key is unique across all the secrets specified in customCAs to avoid collision since all keys within the secrets will be mounted. You do not need to provide the key for the certificate, as this is the client side.