Project-level Secure Files API

Introduced in GitLab 14.8. Deployed behind the ci_secure_files flag, disabled by default.

On self-managed GitLab, by default this feature is not available. To make it available, ask an administrator to enable the feature flag named ci_secure_files. Limited to 100 secure files per project. Files must be smaller than 5 MB. The feature is not ready for production use.

List project secure files

Get list of secure files in a project.

GET /projects/:project_id/secure_files

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
project_id integer/string Yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "myfile.jks",
        "checksum": "16630b189ab34b2e3504f4758e1054d2e478deda510b2b08cc0ef38d12e80aac",
        "checksum_algorithm": "sha256",
        "created_at": "2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z",
        "expires_at": null,
        "metadata": null
        "id": 2,
        "name": "myfile.cer",
        "checksum": "16630b189ab34b2e3504f4758e1054d2e478deda510b2b08cc0ef38d12e80aa2",
        "checksum_algorithm": "sha256",
        "created_at": "2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z",
        "expires_at": "2022-09-21T14:56:00.000Z",
        "metadata": {
            "issuer": {
                "O":"Apple Inc.",
                "CN":"Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority",
            "subject": {
                "O":"Organization Name",
                "CN":"Apple Distribution: Organization Name (ABC123XYZ)",

Show secure file details

Get the details of a specific secure file in a project.

GET /projects/:project_id/secure_files/:id

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
project_id integer/string Yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.
id integer Yes The id of a secure file.

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "myfile.jks",
    "checksum": "16630b189ab34b2e3504f4758e1054d2e478deda510b2b08cc0ef38d12e80aac",
    "checksum_algorithm": "sha256",
    "created_at": "2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z",
    "expires_at": null,
    "metadata": null

Create secure file

Create a new secure file.

POST /projects/:project_id/secure_files

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
project_id integer/string Yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.
name string Yes The name of the file being uploaded. The filename must be unique within the project.
file file Yes The file being uploaded (5 MB limit).

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
     ""  --form "name=myfile.jks" --form "file=@/path/to/file/myfile.jks"

Example response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "myfile.jks",
    "checksum": "16630b189ab34b2e3504f4758e1054d2e478deda510b2b08cc0ef38d12e80aac",
    "checksum_algorithm": "sha256",
    "created_at": "2022-02-22T22:22:22.222Z",
    "expires_at": null,
    "metadata": null

Download secure file

Download the contents of a project’s secure file.

GET /projects/:project_id/secure_files/:id/download

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
project_id integer/string Yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.
id integer Yes The id of a secure file.

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --output myfile.jks

Remove secure file

Remove a project’s secure file.

DELETE /projects/:project_id/secure_files/:id

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
project_id integer/string Yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.
id integer Yes The id of a secure file.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""