Project remote mirrors API

Push mirrors defined on a project’s repository settings are called “remote mirrors”. You can query and modify the state of these mirrors with the remote mirror API.

For security reasons, the url attribute in the API response is always scrubbed of username and password information.

Pull mirrors use a different API endpoint to display and update them.

List a project’s remote mirrors

Returns an array of remote mirrors and their statuses:

GET /projects/:id/remote_mirrors

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "enabled": true,
    "id": 101486,
    "last_error": null,
    "last_successful_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
    "last_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
    "last_update_started_at": "2020-01-06T17:31:55.864Z",
    "only_protected_branches": true,
    "keep_divergent_refs": true,
    "update_status": "finished",
    "url": "https://*****:*****"

Get a single project’s remote mirror

Introduced in GitLab 14.10.

Returns a remote mirror and its statuses:

GET /projects/:id/remote_mirrors/:mirror_id

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

  "enabled": true,
  "id": 101486,
  "last_error": null,
  "last_successful_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
  "last_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
  "last_update_started_at": "2020-01-06T17:31:55.864Z",
  "only_protected_branches": true,
  "keep_divergent_refs": true,
  "update_status": "finished",
  "url": "https://*****:*****"

Create a pull mirror

Learn how to configure a pull mirror using the Projects API.

Create a push mirror

Version history
On self-managed GitLab, by default the field mirror_branch_regex is available. To hide the feature, ask an administrator to disable the feature flag named mirror_only_branches_match_regex. On, this feature is available.

Push mirroring is disabled by default. To enable it, include the optional parameter enabled when you create the mirror:

POST /projects/:id/remote_mirrors
urlStringyesThe target URL to which the repository is mirrored.
enabledBooleannoDetermines if the mirror is enabled.
keep_divergent_refsBooleannoDetermines if divergent refs are skipped.
only_protected_branchesBooleannoDetermines if only protected branches are mirrored.
mirror_branch_regex StringnoContains a regular expression. Only branches with names matching the regex are mirrored. Requires only_protected_branches to be disabled.

Example request:

curl --request POST --data "url=" \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "enabled": false,
    "id": 101486,
    "last_error": null,
    "last_successful_update_at": null,
    "last_update_at": null,
    "last_update_started_at": null,
    "only_protected_branches": false,
    "keep_divergent_refs": false,
    "update_status": "none",
    "url": "https://*****:*****"

Update a remote mirror’s attributes

On self-managed GitLab, by default the field mirror_branch_regex is not available. To make it available, ask an administrator to enable the feature flag named mirror_only_branches_match_regex. On, this feature is not available.

Toggle a remote mirror on or off, or change which types of branches are mirrored:

PUT /projects/:id/remote_mirrors/:mirror_id
mirror_idIntegeryesThe remote mirror ID.
enabledBooleannoDetermines if the mirror is enabled.
keep_divergent_refsBooleannoDetermines if divergent refs are skipped.
only_protected_branchesBooleannoDetermines if only protected branches are mirrored.
mirror_branch_regex StringnoDetermines if only the branch whose name matches the regex is mirrored. It does not work with only_protected_branches enabled.

Example request:

curl --request PUT --data "enabled=false" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "enabled": false,
    "id": 101486,
    "last_error": null,
    "last_successful_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
    "last_update_at": "2020-01-06T17:32:02.823Z",
    "last_update_started_at": "2020-01-06T17:31:55.864Z",
    "only_protected_branches": true,
    "keep_divergent_refs": true,
    "update_status": "finished",
    "url": "https://*****:*****"

Delete a remote mirror

Introduced in GitLab 14.10.

Delete a remote mirror.

DELETE /projects/:id/remote_mirrors/:mirror_id
mirror_idIntegeryesRemote mirror ID.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""