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GitLab Docs

Explore the different areas of the documentation:

Use GitLab
Get started with GitLab features and functionality.
Administer GitLab
Administer a self-managed GitLab instance.
New to Git and GitLab?
Start learning about Git and GitLab.
Contribute to GitLab development
Create new GitLab functionality and documentation.
Coming to GitLab from another platform?
Learn how to move to GitLab.
Build an integration with GitLab
Integrate with Jira and other common applications.
Choose a subscription
Determine which subscription tier makes sense for you.
Install GitLab
Install GitLab on different platforms.
Reference architectures
View recommended deployments at scale.
Upgrade GitLab
Upgrade your GitLab self-managed instance to the latest version.

Have a look at some of our most popular topics:

Popular topicDescription
Two-factor authenticationImprove the security of your GitLab account.
GitLab groupsManage projects together.
Keyword reference for the .gitlab-ci.yml fileAvailable configuration options for .gitlab-ci.yml files.
Activate GitLab EE with a licenseActivate GitLab Enterprise Edition functionality with a license.
Back up and restore GitLabBacking up and restoring GitLab self-managed instances.
GitLab release and maintenance policyPolicies for version naming and cadence, and also upgrade recommendations.
Elasticsearch integrationIntegrate Elasticsearch with GitLab to enable advanced search.
Database settings for Linux package installationsDatabase settings for self-managed instances installed using Linux packages.
NGINX settings for Linux package installationsNGINX settings for self-managed instances installed using Linux packages.
SSL configuration for Linux package installationsSSL settings for self-managed instances installed using Linux packages. settingsSettings used for

User account

For more information about GitLab account management, see:

User accountManage your account.
AuthenticationAccount security with two-factor authentication, set up your SSH keys, and deploy keys for secure access to your projects.
User settingsManage your user settings, two factor authentication, and more.
User permissionsLearn what each role in a project can do.

Coming to GitLab from another platform

If you are coming to GitLab from another platform, the following information is useful:

Importing to GitLabImport your projects from GitHub, Bitbucket,, FogBugz, and SVN into GitLab.
Migrating from SVNConvert a SVN repository to Git and GitLab.

Build an integration with GitLab

You can build integrations with GitLab:

GitLab REST APIIntegrate with GitLab using our REST API.
GitLab GraphQL APIIntegrate with GitLab using our GraphQL API.
IntegrationsIntegrations with third-party products.

Contribute to GitLab

Learn how to contribute to GitLab with the following resources:

Contribute to GitLab development.How to contribute to GitLab development.
Contribute to the documentationHow to contribute to GitLab documentation.