Job Artifacts API

Use the job artifacts API to download or delete job artifacts.

Authentication with a CI/CD job token available in the Premium and Ultimate tier.

Get job artifacts

The use of CI_JOB_TOKEN in the artifacts download API was introduced in GitLab Premium 9.5.

Get the job’s artifacts zipped archive of a project.

If you use cURL to download artifacts from, use the --location parameter as the request might redirect through a CND.

GET /projects/:id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts
idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.
job_idintegerYesID of a job.
job_token stringNoTo be used with triggers for multi-project pipelines. It should be invoked only in a CI/CD job defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The value is always $CI_JOB_TOKEN. The job associated with the $CI_JOB_TOKEN must be running when this token is used.

Example request using the PRIVATE-TOKEN header:

curl --location --output --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

In the Premium and Ultimate tier you can authenticate with this endpoint in a CI/CD job by using a CI/CD job token.

Use either:

  • The job_token attribute with the GitLab-provided CI_JOB_TOKEN predefined variable. For example, the following job downloads the artifacts of the job with ID 42:

      stage: test
        - 'curl --location --output "$CI_JOB_TOKEN"'
  • The JOB-TOKEN header with the GitLab-provided CI_JOB_TOKEN predefined variable. For example, the following job downloads the artifacts of the job with ID 42. The command is wrapped in single quotes because it contains a colon (:):

      stage: test
        - 'curl --location --output --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" ""'

Possible response status codes:

200Serves the artifacts file.
404Build not found or no artifacts.

Download the artifacts archive

The use of CI_JOB_TOKEN in the artifacts download API was introduced in GitLab Premium 9.5.

Download the artifacts zipped archive from the latest successful pipeline for the given reference name and job, provided the job finished successfully. This is the same as getting the job’s artifacts, but by defining the job’s name instead of its ID.

If you use cURL to download artifacts from, use the --location parameter as the request might redirect through a CND.

If a pipeline is parent of other child pipelines, artifacts are searched in hierarchical order from parent to child. For example, if both parent and child pipelines have a job with the same name, the artifact from the parent pipeline is returned.
GET /projects/:id/jobs/artifacts/:ref_name/download?job=name


idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.
ref_namestringYesBranch or tag name in repository. HEAD or SHA references are not supported.
jobstringYesThe name of the job.
job_token stringNoTo be used with triggers for multi-project pipelines. It should be invoked only in a CI/CD job defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The value is always $CI_JOB_TOKEN. The job associated with the $CI_JOB_TOKEN must be running when this token is used.

Example request using the PRIVATE-TOKEN header:

curl --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

In the Premium and Ultimate tier you can authenticate with this endpoint in a CI/CD job by using a CI/CD job token.

Use either:

  • The job_token attribute with the GitLab-provided CI_JOB_TOKEN predefined variable. For example, the following job downloads the artifacts of the test job of the main branch:

      stage: test
        - 'curl --location --output "$CI_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=test&job_token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN"'
  • The JOB-TOKEN header with the GitLab-provided CI_JOB_TOKEN predefined variable. For example, the following job downloads the artifacts of the test job of the main branch. The command is wrapped in single quotes because it contains a colon (:):

      stage: test
        - 'curl --location --output --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" "$CI_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=test"'

Possible response status codes:

200Serves the artifacts file.
404Build not found or no artifacts.

Download a single artifact file by job ID

Download a single artifact file from a job with a specified ID from inside the job’s artifacts zipped archive. The file is extracted from the archive and streamed to the client.

If you use cURL to download artifacts from, use the --location parameter as the request might redirect through a CND.

GET /projects/:id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts/*artifact_path


idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.
job_idintegerYesThe unique job identifier.
artifact_pathstringYesPath to a file inside the artifacts archive.
job_token stringNoTo be used with triggers for multi-project pipelines. It should be invoked only in a CI/CD job defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The value is always $CI_JOB_TOKEN. The job associated with the $CI_JOB_TOKEN must be running when this token is used.

Example request:

curl --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

In the Premium and Ultimate tier you can authenticate with this endpoint in a CI/CD job by using a CI/CD job token.

Possible response status codes:

200Sends a single artifact file
400Invalid path provided
404Build not found or no file/artifacts

Download a single artifact file from specific tag or branch

Download a single artifact file for a specific job of the latest successful pipeline for the given reference name from inside the job’s artifacts archive. The file is extracted from the archive and streamed to the client.

The artifact file provides more detail than what is available in the CSV export.

Artifacts for parent and child pipelines are searched in hierarchical order from parent to child. For example, if both parent and child pipelines have a job with the same name, the artifact from the parent pipeline is returned.

If you use cURL to download artifacts from, use the --location parameter as the request might redirect through a CND.

GET /projects/:id/jobs/artifacts/:ref_name/raw/*artifact_path?job=name


idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.
ref_namestringYesBranch or tag name in repository. HEAD or SHA references are not supported.
artifact_pathstringYesPath to a file inside the artifacts archive.
jobstringYesThe name of the job.
job_token stringNoTo be used with triggers for multi-project pipelines. It should be invoked only in a CI/CD job defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The value is always $CI_JOB_TOKEN. The job associated with the $CI_JOB_TOKEN must be running when this token is used.

Example request:

curl --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

In the Premium and Ultimate tier you can authenticate with this endpoint in a CI/CD job by using a CI/CD job token.

Possible response status codes:

200Sends a single artifact file
400Invalid path provided
404Build not found or no file/artifacts

Keep artifacts

Prevents artifacts from being deleted when expiration is set.

POST /projects/:id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts/keep


idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user.
job_idintegerYesID of a job.

Example request:

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

  "commit": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_name": "Administrator",
    "created_at": "2015-12-24T16:51:14.000+01:00",
    "id": "0ff3ae198f8601a285adcf5c0fff204ee6fba5fd",
    "message": "Test the CI integration.",
    "short_id": "0ff3ae19",
    "title": "Test the CI integration."
  "coverage": null,
  "allow_failure": false,
  "download_url": null,
  "id": 42,
  "name": "rubocop",
  "ref": "main",
  "artifacts": [],
  "runner": null,
  "stage": "test",
  "created_at": "2016-01-11T10:13:33.506Z",
  "started_at": "2016-01-11T10:13:33.506Z",
  "finished_at": "2016-01-11T10:15:10.506Z",
  "duration": 97.0,
  "status": "failed",
  "failure_reason": "script_failure",
  "tag": false,
  "web_url": "",
  "user": null

Delete job artifacts

Delete artifacts of a job.


  • Must have at least the maintainer role in the project.
DELETE /projects/:id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts
idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.
job_idintegerYesID of a job.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
At least Maintainer role is required to delete artifacts.

If the artifacts were deleted successfully, a response with status 204 No Content is returned.

Delete project artifacts

Version history

Delete artifacts eligible for deletion in a project. By default, artifacts from the most recent successful pipeline of each ref. are not deleted.

Requests to this endpoint set the expiry of all artifacts that can be deleted to the current time. The files are then deleted from the system as part of the regular cleanup of expired job artifacts. Job logs are never deleted.

The regular cleanup occurs asynchronously on a schedule, so there might be a short delay before artifacts are deleted.


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.
DELETE /projects/:id/artifacts
idinteger/stringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

A response with status 202 Accepted is returned.