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proposed devops verify -

GitLab CI Events Proposal 1: Using the .gitlab-ci.yml file

Currently, we have two proof-of-concept (POC) implementations:

They both have similar ideas;

  1. Find a new CI Config syntax to define pipeline events.

    Example 1:

         - events/package/published
     # or
         - events/package/published

    Example 2:

         - events/package/published
         - events/package/removed
       # on:
       #   package: [published, removed]
       script: echo "Hello World"
  2. Upsert a workflow definition to the database when new configuration gets pushed.
  3. Match subscriptions and publishers whenever something happens at GitLab.


  1. How to efficiently detect changes to the subscriptions?
  2. How do we handle differences between workflows / events / subscriptions on different branches?
  3. Do we need to upsert subscriptions on every push?