Analyze GitLab usage

  • Group-level analytics moved to GitLab Premium in 13.9.

GitLab provides different types of analytics insights at the instance, group, and project level. These insights appear on the left sidebar, under Analyze.

Analytics features

Feature Description Category Project-level Group-level Instance-level
Analytics dashboards Built-in and customizable dashboards to visualize collected data. End-to-end insight & visibility Yes Yes No
CI/CD analytics and DORA metrics Pipeline duration and successes/failures, and DORA metrics over time. CI/CD Yes Yes No
Code review analytics Open merge requests with information about merge request activity. Productivity Yes No No
Contribution analytics Overview of contribution events made by group members, with bar chart of push events, merge requests, and issues. Developer No Yes No
Contributor analytics Overview of commits made by project members, with line chart of number of commits. Developer Yes No No
DevOps adoption Organization’s maturity in DevOps adoption, with group-level feature adoption over time and adoption by subgroup. End-to-end insight & visibility No Yes No
Insights Customizable reports to explore issues, merged merge requests, and triage hygiene. End-to-end insight & visibility Yes Yes No
Instance-level analytics Aggregated analytics across GitLab about multiple projects and groups in one place. End-to-end insight & visibility No No Yes
Issue analytics Visualization of issues created each month. Productivity Yes Yes No
Merge request analytics Overview of merge requests, with mean time to merge, throughput, and activity details. Productivity Yes No No
Product analytics Understanding how users behave and interact with your product. Product Analytics No Yes No
Productivity analytics Merge request lifecycle, filterable down to author level. Productivity No Yes No
Repository analytics Programming languages used in the repository and code coverage statistics. Developer Yes Yes No
Security Dashboards Collection of metrics, ratings, and charts for vulnerabilities detected by security scanners. Security Yes Yes No
Value Streams Dashboard Insights into DevSecOps trends, patterns, and opportunities for digital transformation improvements. End-to-end insight & visibility Yes No No
Value Stream Management Analytics Insights into time-to-value through customizable stages. End-to-end insight & visibility Yes Yes No


Metric Definition Measurement in GitLab
Mean Time to Change (MTTC) The average duration between idea and delivery. From issue creation to the issue’s latest related merge request’s deployment to production.
Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) The average duration that a bug goes undetected in production. From deployment of bug to issue creation.
Mean Time To Merge (MTTM) The average lifespan of a merge request. From merge request creation to merge request merge (excluding closed and unmerged merge requests). For more information, see Merge Request Analytics.
Mean Time to Recover/Repair/Resolution/Resolve/Restore (MTTR) The average duration that a bug is not fixed in production. From deployment of bug to deployment of fix.
Velocity The total issue burden completed in some period of time. The burden is usually measured in points or weight, often per sprint. Total points or weight of issues closed in a given period of time. Expressed as, for example, “30 points per sprint”.