Customizing analyzer settings
Authentication is handled by providing the authentication token as a header or cookie. You can provide a script that performs an authentication flow or calculates the token.
HTTP Basic Authentication
HTTP basic authentication is an authentication method built into the HTTP protocol and used in conjunction with transport layer security (TLS).
We recommended that you create a CI/CD variable
for the password (for example, TEST_API_PASSWORD
), and set it to be masked. You can create CI/CD
variables from the GitLab project’s page at Settings > CI/CD, in the Variables section.
Because of the limitations on masked variables,
you should Base64-encode the password before adding it as a variable.
Finally, add two CI/CD variables to your .gitlab-ci.yml
: The username for authentication. -
: The Base64-encoded password for authentication.
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_HAR: test-api-recording.har
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
Raw password
If you do not want to Base64-encode the password (or if you are using GitLab 15.3 or earlier) you can provide the raw password APISEC_HTTP_PASSWORD
, instead of using APISEC_HTTP_PASSWORD_BASE64
Bearer tokens
Bearer tokens are used by several different authentication mechanisms, including OAuth2 and JSON Web
Tokens (JWT). Bearer tokens are transmitted using the Authorization
HTTP header. To use Bearer
tokens with API security testing, you need one of the following:
- A token that doesn’t expire.
- A way to generate a token that lasts the length of testing.
- A Python script that API security testing can call to generate the token.
Token doesn’t expire
If the Bearer token doesn’t expire, use the APISEC_OVERRIDES_ENV
variable to provide it. This
variable’s content is a JSON snippet that provides headers and cookies to add to outgoing HTTP requests for API security testing.
Follow these steps to provide the Bearer token with APISEC_OVERRIDES_ENV
Create a CI/CD variable, for example
, with the value{"headers":{"Authorization":"Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="}}
(substitute your token). You can create CI/CD variables from the GitLab projects page at Settings > CI/CD, in the Variables section. Due to the format ofTEST_API_BEARERAUTH
it’s not possible to mask the variable. To mask the token’s value, you can create a second variable with the token values, and defineTEST_API_BEARERAUTH
with the value{"headers":{"Authorization":"Bearer $MASKED_VARIABLE"}}
. -
In your
to the variable you just created:stages: - dast include: - template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml variables: APISEC_PROFILE: Quick APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/ APISEC_OVERRIDES_ENV: $TEST_API_BEARERAUTH
To validate that authentication is working, run API security testing and review the job logs and the test API’s application logs.
Token generated at test runtime
If the Bearer token must be generated and doesn’t expire during testing, you can provide API security testing with a file that has the token. A prior stage and job, or part of the API security testing job, can generate this file.
API security testing expects to receive a JSON file with the following structure:
"headers" : {
"Authorization" : "Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
This file can be generated by a prior stage and provided to API security testing through the
CI/CD variable.
in your .gitlab-ci.yml
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE: dast-api-overrides.json
To validate that authentication is working, run API security testing and review the job logs and the test API’s application logs.
Token has short expiration
If the Bearer token must be generated and expires prior to the scan’s completion, you can provide a program or script for the API security testing scanner to execute on a provided interval. The provided script runs in an Alpine Linux container that has Python 3 and Bash installed. If the Python script requires additional packages, it must detect this and install the packages at runtime.
The script must create a JSON file containing the Bearer token in a specific format:
"headers" : {
"Authorization" : "Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
You must provide three CI/CD variables, each set for correct operation:
: JSON file the provided command generates. -
: Command that generates the JSON file. -
: Interval (in seconds) to run command.
For example:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE: dast-api-overrides.json
To validate that authentication is working, run API security testing and review the job logs and the test API’s application logs. See the overrides section for more information about override commands.
API security testing provides a method to add or override specific items in your request, for example:
- Headers
- Cookies
- Query string
- Form data
- JSON nodes
- XML nodes
You can use this to inject semantic version headers, authentication, and so on. The authentication section includes examples of using overrides for that purpose.
Overrides use a JSON document, where each type of override is represented by a JSON object:
"headers": {
"header1": "value",
"header2": "value"
"cookies": {
"cookie1": "value",
"cookie2": "value"
"query": {
"query-string1": "value",
"query-string2": "value"
"body-form": {
"form-param1": "value",
"form-param2": "value"
"body-json": {
"json-path1": "value",
"json-path2": "value"
"body-xml" : {
"xpath1": "value",
"xpath2": "value"
Example of setting a single header:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
Example of setting both a header and cookie:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
"cookies": {
"flags": "677"
Example usage for setting a body-form
"body-form": {
"username": "john.doe"
The override engine uses body-form
when the request body has only form-data content.
Example usage for setting a body-json
"body-json": {
"$.credentials.access-token": "iddqd!42.$"
Each JSON property name in the object body-json
is set to a JSON Path
expression. The JSON Path expression $.credentials.access-token
identifies the node to be
overridden with the value iddqd!42.$
. The override engine uses body-json
when the request body
has only JSON content.
For example, if the body is set to the following JSON:
"credentials" : {
"username" :"john.doe",
"access-token" : "non-valid-password"
It is changed to:
"credentials" : {
"username" :"john.doe",
"access-token" : "iddqd!42.$"
Here’s an example for setting a body-xml
override. The first entry overrides an XML attribute and
the second entry overrides an XML element:
"body-xml" : {
"/credentials/@isEnabled": "true",
"/credentials/access-token/text()" : "iddqd!42.$"
Each JSON property name in the object body-xml
is set to an
XPath v2
expression. The XPath expression /credentials/@isEnabled
identifies the attribute node to override
with the value true
. The XPath expression /credentials/access-token/text()
identifies the
element node to override with the value iddqd!42.$
. The override engine uses body-xml
when the
request body has only XML
For example, if the body is set to the following XML:
<credentials isEnabled="false">
It is changed to:
<credentials isEnabled="true">
You can provide this JSON document as a file or environment variable. You may also provide a command to generate the JSON document. The command can run at intervals to support values that expire.
Using a file
To provide the overrides JSON as a file, the APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE
CI/CD variable is set. The path is relative to the job current working directory.
Here’s an example .gitlab-ci.yml
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE: dast-api-overrides.json
Using a CI/CD variable
To provide the overrides JSON as a CI/CD variable, use the APISEC_OVERRIDES_ENV
This allows you to place the JSON as variables that can be masked and protected.
In this example .gitlab-ci.yml
variable is set directly to the JSON:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_ENV: '{"headers":{"X-API-Version":"2"}}'
In this example .gitlab-ci.yml
variable provides the JSON. This is a
group or instance level CI/CD variable defined in the UI:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
Using a command
If the value must be generated or regenerated on expiration, you can provide a program or script for the API security testing scanner to execute on a specified interval. The provided command runs in an Alpine Linux container that has Python 3 and Bash installed.
You have to set the environment variable APISEC_OVERRIDES_CMD
to the program or script you would like
to execute. The provided command creates the overrides JSON file as defined previously.
You might want to install other scripting runtimes like NodeJS or Ruby, or maybe you need to install a dependency for your overrides command. In this case, you should set the APISEC_PRE_SCRIPT
to the file path of a script which provides those prerequisites. The script provided by APISEC_PRE_SCRIPT
is executed once before the analyzer starts.
For example, sudo apk add nodejs
.See the Alpine Linux package management page for information about installing Alpine Linux packages.
You must provide three CI/CD variables, each set for correct operation:
: File generated by the provided command. -
: Overrides command in charge of generating the overrides JSON file periodically. -
: Interval in seconds to run command.
: Script to install runtimes or dependencies before the scan starts.
to set the execution permission. For example, to set the execution permission of
for everyone, use the command: sudo chmod a+x
. If needed, you can version your
with the execution permission already set.stages:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE: dast-api-overrides.json
Debugging overrides
By default the output of the overrides command is hidden. If the overrides command returns a non zero exit code, the command is displayed as part of your job output. Optionally, you can set the variable APISEC_OVERRIDES_CMD_VERBOSE
to any value to display overrides command output as it is generated. This is useful when testing your overrides script, but should be disabled afterwards as it slows down testing.
It is also possible to write messages from your script to a log file that is collected when the job completes or fails. The log file must be created in a specific location and following a naming convention.
Adding some basic logging to your overrides script is useful in case the script fails unexpectedly during standard running of the job. The log file is automatically included as an artifact of the job, allowing you to download it after the job has finished.
Following our example, we provided
in the environment variable APISEC_OVERRIDES_CMD
. Notice two things in the script:
- Log file is saved in the location indicated by the environmental variable
. - Log filename should match
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Example of an overrides command
# Override commands can update the overrides json file
# with new values to be used. This is a great way to
# update an authentication token that will expire
# during testing.
import logging
import json
import os
import requests
import backoff
# [1] Store log file in directory indicated by env var CI_PROJECT_DIR
working_directory = os.environ.get( 'CI_PROJECT_DIR')
overrides_file_name = os.environ.get('APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE', 'dast-api-overrides.json')
overrides_file_path = os.path.join(working_directory, overrides_file_name)
# [2] File name should match the pattern: gl-*.log
log_file_path = os.path.join(working_directory, 'gl-user-overrides.log')
# Set up logger
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file_path, level=logging.DEBUG)
# Use `backoff` decorator to retry in case of transient errors.
def get_auth_response():
authorization_url = 'https://authorization.service/api/get_api_token'
return requests.get(
auth=(os.environ.get('AUTH_USER'), os.environ.get('AUTH_PWD'))
# In our example, access token is retrieved from a given endpoint
# Performs a http request, response sample:
# { "Token" : "abcdefghijklmn" }
response = get_auth_response()
# Check that the request is successful. may raise `requests.exceptions.HTTPError`
# Gets JSON data
response_body = response.json()
# If needed specific exceptions can be caught
# requests.ConnectionError : A network connection error problem occurred
# requests.HTTPError : HTTP request returned an unsuccessful status code. [Response.raise_for_status()]
# requests.ConnectTimeout : The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server
# requests.ReadTimeout : The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time.
# requests.TooManyRedirects : The request exceeds the configured number of maximum redirections
# requests.exceptions.RequestException : All exceptions that related to Requests
except json.JSONDecodeError as json_decode_error:
# logs errors related decoding JSON response
logging.error(f'Error, failed while decoding JSON response. Error message: {json_decode_error}')
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as requests_error:
# logs exceptions related to `Requests`
logging.error(f'Error, failed while performing HTTP request. Error message: {requests_error}')
except Exception as e:
# logs any other error
logging.error(f'Error, unknown error while retrieving access token. Error message: {e}')
# computes object that holds overrides file content.
# It uses data fetched from request
overrides_data = {
"headers": {
"Authorization": f"Token {response_body['Token']}"
# log entry informing about the file override computation"Creating overrides file: %s" % overrides_file_path)
# attempts to overwrite the file
if os.path.exists(overrides_file_path):
# overwrites the file with our updated dictionary
with open(overrides_file_path, "wb+") as fd:
except Exception as e:
# logs any other error
logging.error(f'Error, unknown error when overwriting file {overrides_file_path}. Error message: {e}')
# logs informing override has finished successfully"Override file has been updated")
# end
In the overrides command example, the Python script depends on the backoff
library. To make sure the library is installed before executing the Python script, the APISEC_PRE_SCRIPT
is set to a script that installs the dependencies of your overrides command.
As for example, the following script
# Ensures python dependencies are installed
echo "**** install python dependencies ****"
sudo pip3 install --no-cache --upgrade --break-system-packages \
echo "**** python dependencies installed ****"
# end
You have to update your configuration to set the APISEC_PRE_SCRIPT
to our new
script. For example:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_OVERRIDES_FILE: dast-api-overrides.json
In the previous sample, you could use the script
to also install new runtimes or applications that later on you could use in our overrides command.
Request Headers
The request headers feature lets you specify fixed values for the headers during the scan session. For example, you can use the configuration variable APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS
to set a fixed value in the Cache-Control
header. If the headers you need to set include sensitive values like the Authorization
header, use the masked variable feature along with the variable APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64
If the Authorization
header or any other header needs to get updated while the scan is in progress, consider using the overrides feature.
lets you specify a comma-separated (,
) list of headers. These headers are included on each request that the scanner performs. Each header entry in the list consists of a name followed by a colon (:
) and then by its value. Whitespace before the key or value is ignored. For example, to declare a header name Cache-Control
with the value max-age=604800
, the header entry is Cache-Control: max-age=604800
. To use two headers, Cache-Control: max-age=604800
and Age: 100
variable to Cache-Control: max-age=604800, Age: 100
The order in which the different headers are provided into the variable APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS
does not affect the result. Setting APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS
to Cache-Control: max-age=604800, Age: 100
produces the same result as setting it to Age: 100, Cache-Control: max-age=604800
variable accepts the same list of headers as APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS
, with the only difference that the entire value of the variable must be Base64-encoded. For example, to set APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64
variable to Authorization: QmVhcmVyIFRPS0VO, Cache-control: bm8tY2FjaGU=
, ensure you convert the list to its Base64 equivalent: QXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbjogUW1WaGNtVnlJRlJQUzBWTywgQ2FjaGUtY29udHJvbDogYm04dFkyRmphR1U9
, and the Base64-encoded value must be used. This is useful when storing secret header values in a masked variable, which has character set restrictions.
Example: Adding a list of headers on each request using plain text
In the following example of a .gitlab-ci.yml
configuration variable is set to provide two header values as explained in request headers.
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_REQUEST_HEADERS: 'Cache-control: no-cache, Save-Data: on'
Example: Using a masked CI/CD variable
The following .gitlab-ci.yml
sample assumes the masked variable SECRET_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64
is defined as a group or instance level CI/CD variable defined in the UI. The value of SECRET_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64
is set to WC1BQ01FLVNlY3JldDogc31jcnt0ISwgWC1BQ01FLVRva2VuOiA3MDVkMTZmNWUzZmI=
, which is the Base64-encoded text version of X-ACME-Secret: s3cr3t!, X-ACME-Token: 705d16f5e3fb
. Then, it can be used as follows:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
when storing secret header values in a masked variable, which has character set restrictions.
Exclude Paths
When testing an API it can be useful to exclude certain paths. For example, you might exclude testing of an authentication service or an older version of the API. To exclude paths, use the APISEC_EXCLUDE_PATHS
CI/CD variable . This variable is specified in your .gitlab-ci.yml
file. To exclude multiple paths, separate entries using the ;
character. In the provided paths you can use a single character wildcard ?
and *
for a multiple character wildcard.
To verify the paths are excluded, review the Tested Operations
and Excluded Operations
portion of the job output. You should not see any excluded paths listed under Tested Operations
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: --[ Tested Operations ]-------------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: 201 POST http://target:7777/api/users CREATED
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: ------------------------------------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: --[ Excluded Operations ]-----------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: GET http://target:7777/api/messages
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: POST http://target:7777/api/messages
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: ------------------------------------------------
This example excludes the /auth
resource. This does not exclude child resources (/auth/child
To exclude /auth
, and child resources (/auth/child
), we use a wildcard.
To exclude multiple paths we use the ;
character. In this example we exclude /auth*
and /v1/*
To exclude one or more nested levels within a path we use **
. In this example we are testing API endpoints. We are testing /api/v1/
and /api/v2/
of a data query requesting mass
, brightness
and coordinates
data for planet
, moon
, star
, and satellite
objects. Example paths that could be scanned include, but are not limited to:
In this example we test the brightness
endpoint only:
APISEC_EXCLUDE_PATHS: /api/**/mass;/api/**/coordinates
Exclude parameters
While testing an API you may might want to exclude a parameter (query string, header, or body element) from testing. This may be needed because a parameter always causes a failure, slows down testing, or for other reasons. To exclude parameters, you can set one of the following variables: APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_ENV
allows providing a JSON string containing excluded parameters. This is a good option if the JSON is short and does not change often. Another option is the variable APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_FILE
. This variable is set to a file path that can be checked into the repository, created by another job as an artifact, or generated at runtime with a pre-script using APISEC_PRE_SCRIPT
Exclude parameters using a JSON document
The JSON document contains a JSON object, this object uses specific properties to identify which parameter should be excluded. You can provide the following properties to exclude specific parameters during the scanning process:
: Use this property to exclude specific headers. The property’s value is an array of header names to be excluded. Names are case-insensitive. -
: Use this property’s value to exclude specific cookies. The property’s value is an array of cookie names to be excluded. Names are case-sensitive. -
: Use this property to exclude specific fields from the query string. The property’s value is an array of field names from the query string to be excluded. Names are case-sensitive. -
: Use this property to exclude specific fields from a request that uses the media typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
. The property’s value is an array of the field names from the body to be excluded. Names are case-sensitive. -
: Use this property to exclude specific JSON nodes from a request that uses the media typeapplication/json
. The property’s value is an array, each entry of the array is a JSON Path expression. -
: Use this property to exclude specific XML nodes from a request that uses media typeapplication/xml
. The property’s value is an array, each entry of the array is a XPath v2 expression.
Thus, the following JSON document is an example of the expected structure to exclude parameters.
"headers": [
"cookies": [
"query": [
"body-form": [
"body-json": [
"body-xml" : [
Excluding a single header
To exclude the header Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
, set the header
property’s value to an array with the header name: [ "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" ]
. For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"headers": [ "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" ]
Header names are case-insensitive, so the header name UPGRADE-INSECURE-REQUESTS
is equivalent to Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
Excluding both a header and two cookies
To exclude the header Authorization
, and the cookies PHPSESSID
and csrftoken
, set the headers
property’s value to an array with header name [ "Authorization" ]
and the cookies
property’s value to an array with the cookies’ names [ "PHPSESSID", "csrftoken" ]
. For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"headers": [ "Authorization" ],
"cookies": [ "PHPSESSID", "csrftoken" ]
Excluding a body-form
To exclude the password
field in a request that uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, set the body-form
property’s value to an array with the field name [ "password" ]
. For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-form": [ "password" ]
The exclude parameters uses body-form
when the request uses a content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Excluding a specific JSON nodes using JSON Path
To exclude the schema
property in the root object, set the body-json
property’s value to an array with the JSON Path expression [ "$.schema" ]
The JSON Path expression uses special syntax to identify JSON nodes: $
refers to the root of the JSON document, .
refers to the current object (in our case the root object), and the text schema
refers to a property name. Thus, the JSON path expression $.schema
refers to a property schema
in the root object.
For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-json": [ "$.schema" ]
The exclude parameters uses body-json
when the request uses a content type application/json
. Each entry in body-json
is expected to be a JSON Path expression. In JSON Path characters like $
, *
, .
among others have special meaning.
Excluding multiple JSON nodes using JSON Path
To exclude the property password
on each entry of an array of users
at the root level, set the body-json
property’s value to an array with the JSON Path expression [ "$.users[*].paswword" ]
The JSON Path expression starts with $
to refer to the root node and uses .
to refer to the current node. Then, it uses users
to refer to a property and the characters [
and ]
to enclose the index in the array you want to use, instead of providing a number as an index you use *
to specify any index. After the index reference, we find .
which now refers to any given selected index in the array, preceded by a property name password
For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-json": [ "$.users[*].paswword" ]
The exclude parameters uses body-json
when the request uses a content type application/json
. Each entry in body-json
is expected to be a JSON Path expression. In JSON Path characters like $
, *
, .
among others have special meaning.
Excluding a XML attribute
To exclude an attribute named isEnabled
located in the root element credentials
, set the body-xml
property’s value to an array with the XPath expression [ "/credentials/@isEnabled" ]
The XPath expression /credentials/@isEnabled
, starts with /
to indicate the root of the XML document, then it is followed by the word credentials
which indicates the name of the element to match. It uses a /
to refer to a node of the previous XML element, and the character @
to indicate that the name isEnable
is an attribute.
For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-xml": [
The exclude parameters uses body-xml
when the request uses a content type application/xml
. Each entry in body-xml
is expected to be a XPath v2 expression. In XPath expressions characters like @
, /
, :
, [
, ]
among others have special meanings.
Excluding a XML text’s element
To exclude the text of the username
element contained in root node credentials
, set the body-xml
property’s value to an array with the XPath expression [/credentials/username/text()" ]
In the XPath expression /credentials/username/text()
, the first character /
refers to the root XML node, and then after it indicates an XML element’s name credentials
. Similarly, the character /
refers to the current element, followed by a new XML element’s name username
. Last part has a /
that refers to the current element, and uses a XPath function called text()
which identifies the text of the current element.
For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-xml": [
The exclude parameters uses body-xml
when the request uses a content type application/xml
. Each entry in body-xml
is expected to be a XPath v2 expression. In XPath expressions characters like @
, /
, :
, [
, ]
among others have special meanings.
Excluding an XML element
To exclude the element username
contained in root node credentials
, set the body-xml
property’s value to an array with the XPath expression [/credentials/username" ]
In the XPath expression /credentials/username
, the first character /
refers to the root XML node, and then after it indicates an XML element’s name credentials
. Similarly, the character /
refers to the current element, followed by a new XML element’s name username
For instance, the JSON document looks like this:
"body-xml": [
The exclude parameters uses body-xml
when the request uses a content type application/xml
. Each entry in body-xml
is expected to be a XPath v2 expression. In XPath expressions characters like @
, /
, :
, [
, ]
among others have special meanings.
Excluding an XML node with namespaces
To exclude anXML element login
which is defined in namespace s
, and contained in credentials
root node, set the body-xml
property’s value to an array with the XPath expression [ "/credentials/s:login" ]
In the XPath expression /credentials/s:login
, the first character /
refers to the root XML node, and then after it indicates an XML element’s name credentials
. Similarly, the character /
refers to the current element, followed by a new XML element’s name s:login
. Notice that name contains the character :
, this character separates the namespace from the node name.
The namespace name should have been defined in the XML document which is part of the body request. You may check the namespace in the specification document HAR, OpenAPI, or Postman Collection file.
"body-xml": [
The exclude parameters uses body-xml
when the request uses a content type application/xml
. Each entry in body-xml
is expected to be an XPath v2 expression. In XPath, expressions characters like @
, /
, :
, [
, ]
among others have special meanings.
Using a JSON string
To provide the exclusion JSON document set the variable APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_ENV
with the JSON string. In the following example, the .gitlab-ci.yml
variable is set to a JSON string:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_ENV: '{ "headers": [ "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" ] }'
Using a file
To provide the exclusion JSON document set the variable APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_FILE
with the JSON file path. The file path is relative to the job current working directory. In the following example .gitlab-ci.yml
variable is set to a JSON file path:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://test-deployment/
APISEC_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_FILE: dast-api-exclude-parameters.json
The dast-api-exclude-parameters.json
is a JSON document that follows the structure of exclude parameters document.
Exclude URLs
As an alternative to excluding by paths, you can filter by any other component in the URL by using the APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS
CI/CD variable. This variable can be set in your .gitlab-ci.yml
file. The variable can store multiple values, separated by commas (,
). Each value is a regular expression. Because each entry is a regular expression, an entry like .*
excludes all URLs because it is a regular expression that matches everything.
In your job output you can check if any URLs matched any provided regular expression from APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS
. Matching operations are listed in the Excluded Operations section. Operations listed in the Excluded Operations should not be listed in the Tested Operations section. For example the following portion of a job output:
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: --[ Tested Operations ]-------------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: 201 POST http://target:7777/api/users CREATED
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: ------------------------------------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: --[ Excluded Operations ]-----------------------
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: GET http://target:7777/api/messages
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: POST http://target:7777/api/messages
2021-05-27 21:51:08 [INF] API SECURITY: ------------------------------------------------
is a regular expression. Characters such as .
, *
and $
among many others have special meanings in regular expressions.Examples
Excluding a URL and child resources
The following example excludes the URL http://target/api/auth
and its child resources.
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://target/
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS: http://target/api/auth
Excluding two URLs and allow their child resources
To exclude the URLs http://target/api/buy
and http://target/api/sell
but allowing to scan their child resources, for instance: http://target/api/buy/toy
or http://target/api/sell/chair
. You could use the value http://target/api/buy/$,http://target/api/sell/$
. This value is using two regular expressions, each of them separated by a ,
character. Hence, it contains http://target/api/buy$
and http://target/api/sell$
. In each regular expression, the trailing $
character points out where the matching URL should end.
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://target/
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS: http://target/api/buy/$,http://target/api/sell/$
Excluding two URLs and their child resources
To exclude the URLs: http://target/api/buy
and http://target/api/sell
, and their child resources. To provide multiple URLs we use the ,
character as follows:
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://target/
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS: http://target/api/buy,http://target/api/sell
Excluding URL using regular expressions
To exclude exactly https://target/api/v1/user/create
and https://target/api/v2/user/create
or any other version (v3
, and more). We could use https://target/api/v.*/user/create$
, in the previous regular expression .
indicates any character and *
indicates zero or more times, additionally $
indicates that the URL should end there.
- dast
- template: API-Security.gitlab-ci.yml
APISEC_TARGET_URL: http://target/
APISEC_OPENAPI: test-api-specification.json
APISEC_EXCLUDE_URLS: https://target/api/v.*/user/create$