GitLab plugin for Neovim - gitlab.vim

The GitLab plugin integrates GitLab with Neovim, and is built in Lua.

GitLab for Neovim supports GitLab Duo Code Suggestions. Code Suggestions provides a LSP (Language Server Protocol) server, to support the built-in Control+x, Control+o Omni Completion key mapping:

Mode Key mappings Type Description
INSERT Control+x, Control+o Built-in Requests completions from GitLab Duo Code Suggestions through the language server.
NORMAL <Plug>(GitLabToggleCodeSuggestions) <Plug> Toggles Code Suggestions on or off for the current buffer. Requires configuration.

Install the extension


  • For both and self-managed, you have GitLab version 16.1 or later. While many extension features might work with earlier versions, they are unsupported.
    • The GitLab Duo Code Suggestions feature requires GitLab version 16.8 or later.
  • You have Neovim version 0.9 or later.

To install the extension:

  1. Follow the installation steps for your chosen plugin manager.
  2. Optional. Configure GitLab Duo Code Suggestions as an Omni Completion provider.
  3. Set up helptags using :helptags ALL for access to :help gitlab.txt.

Run this command to include this project with packadd on startup:

git clone ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/gitlab/start/gitlab.vim

Configure the extension

These environment variables are frequently used with the extension. For a full list, see this plugin’s help text at doc/gitlab.txt.

Environment variable Default Description
GITLAB_TOKEN. n/a The default GitLab personal access token to use for authenticated requests. If provided, skips interactive authentication.
GITLAB_VIM_URL. Override the GitLab instance to connect with. Defaults to

This plugin enables gitlab.statusline by default, which hooks into the built-in statusline to show the status of the Code Suggestions integration. To disable gitlab.statusline, add this to your configuration:

  statusline = {
    enabled = false

Configure Omni Completion

To enable Omni Completion with Code Suggestions:

  1. Create a personal access token with the api scope.
  2. Install the Code Suggestions language server.

  3. Optional. Consider configuring Omni Completion’s dialog even for a single suggestion:

    vim.o.completeopt = 'menu,menuone'

When working in a supported file type, press Ctrl+x then Ctrl+o to open the Omni Completion menu.

Configure <Plug> key mappings

For convenience, this plugin provides <Plug> key mappings. To use the <Plug>(GitLab...) key mapping, you must include your own key mapping that references it:

-- Toggle Code Suggestions on/off with CTRL-g in normal mode:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-g>', '<Plug>(GitLabToggleCodeSuggestions)')

Report issues with the extension

Report any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the gitlab.vim issue queue.

Submit your feedback in issue 22 in the gitlab.vim repository.

Uninstall the extension

To uninstall the extension, remove this plugin and any language server binaries with these commands:

rm -r ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/gitlab/start/gitlab.vim
rm ~/.local/share/nvim/gitlab-code-suggestions-language-server-*