Detected secrets
Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated
Status: GA
Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated
Status: GA
This table lists the secrets detected by pipeline secret detection.
Description | ID | Keywords |
AWS Access Token | AWS | AKIA |
Adobe Client ID (Oauth Web) | Adobe Client ID (Oauth Web) | adobe |
Adobe Client Secret | Adobe Client Secret | adobe, p8e- |
Age secret key | Age secret key | AGE-SECRET-KEY-1 |
Alibaba AccessKey ID | Alibaba AccessKey ID | LTAI |
Alibaba Secret Key | Alibaba Secret Key | alibaba |
Asana Client ID | Asana Client ID | asana |
Asana Client Secret | Asana Client Secret | asana |
Atlassian API token | Atlassian API token | atlassian |
Beamer API token | Beamer API token | beamer |
Bitbucket client ID | Bitbucket client ID | bitbucket |
Bitbucket client secret | Bitbucket client secret | bitbucket |
CircleCI access tokens | CircleCI access tokens | CircleCI |
Clojars API token | Clojars API token | CLOJARS_ |
Contentful delivery API token | Contentful delivery API token | contentful |
Contentful preview API token | Contentful preview API token | contentful |
Databricks API token | Databricks API token | dapi, databricks |
DigitalOcean OAuth Access Token | digitalocean-access-token | doo_v1_ |
DigitalOcean OAuth Refresh Token | digitalocean-refresh-token | dor_v1_ |
DigitalOcean Personal Access Token | digitalocean-pat | dop_v1_ |
Discord API key | Discord API key | discord |
Discord client ID | Discord client ID | discord |
Discord client secret | Discord client secret | discord |
Doppler API token | Doppler API token | doppler |
Dropbox API secret/key | Dropbox API secret/key | dropbox |
Dropbox long lived API token | Dropbox long lived API token | dropbox |
Dropbox short lived API token | Dropbox short lived API token | dropbox |
Duffel API token | Duffel API token | duffel |
Dynatrace API token | Dynatrace API token | dt0c01 |
EasyPost API token | EasyPost API token | EZAK |
EasyPost test API token | EasyPost test API token | EZTK |
Facebook token | Facebook token | |
Fastly API token | Fastly API token | fastly |
Finicity API token | Finicity API token | finicity |
Finicity client secret | Finicity client secret | finicity |
Flutterwave encrypted key | Flutterwave encrypted key | FLWSECK_TEST |
Flutterwave public key | Flutterwave public key | FLWPUBK_TEST |
Flutterwave secret key | Flutterwave secret key | FLWSECK_TEST | API token | API token | fio-u- |
GCP API keys can be misused to gain API quota from billed projects | GCP API key | AIza |
GCP OAuth client secrets can be misused to spoof your application | GCP OAuth client secret | GOCSPX- |
GitLab Agent for Kubernetes token | gitlab_kubernetes_agent_token | glagent |
GitLab CI Build (Job) token | gitlab_ci_build_token | glcbt |
GitLab Deploy Token | gitlab_deploy_token | gldt |
GitLab Feed Token | gitlab_feed_token | feed_token |
GitLab Feed token | gitlab_feed_token_v2 | glft |
GitLab Incoming email token | gitlab_incoming_email_token | glimt |
GitLab OAuth Application Secrets | gitlab_oauth_app_secret | gloas |
GitLab Personal Access Token | gitlab_personal_access_token | glpat |
GitLab Pipeline Trigger Token | gitlab_pipeline_trigger_token | glptt |
GitLab Runner Authentication Token | gitlab_runner_auth_token | glrt |
GitLab Runner Registration Token | gitlab_runner_registration_token | GR1348941 |
GitLab SCIM token | gitlab_scim_oauth_token | glsoat |
GitHub App Token | GitHub App Token | ghu_, ghs_ |
GitHub OAuth Access Token | GitHub OAuth Access Token | gho_ |
GitHub Personal Access Token | GitHub Personal Access Token | ghp_ |
GitHub Refresh Token | GitHub Refresh Token | ghr_ |
GoCardless API token | GoCardless API token | gocardless |
Google (GCP) Service-account | Google (GCP) Service-account | service_account |
Grafana API token | Grafana API token | grafana |
Hashicorp Terraform user/org API token | Hashicorp Terraform user/org API token | atlasv1, hashicorp, terraform |
Hashicorp Vault batch token | Hashicorp Vault batch token | hashicorp, AAAAAQ, vault |
Heroku API Key | Heroku API Key | heroku |
Hubspot API token | Hubspot API token | hubspot |
Instagram access token | Instagram access token | IG |
Intercom API token | Intercom API token | intercom |
Intercom client secret/ID | Intercom client secret/ID | intercom |
Ionic API token | Ionic API token | ion_ |
Linear API token | Linear API token | lin_api_ |
Linear client secret/ID | Linear client secret/ID | linear |
Linkedin Client ID | Linkedin Client ID | |
Linkedin Client secret | Linkedin Client secret | |
Lob API Key | Lob API Key | lob |
Lob Publishable API Key | Lob Publishable API Key | lob |
Mailchimp API key | Mailchimp API key | mailchimp |
Mailgun private API token | Mailgun private API token | mailgun |
Mailgun public validation key | Mailgun public validation key | mailgun |
Mailgun webhook signing key | Mailgun webhook signing key | mailgun |
Mapbox API token | Mapbox API token | mapbox |
MessageBird API client ID | MessageBird API client ID | messagebird |
MessageBird API token | messagebird-api-token | messagebird |
Meta access token | Meta access token | EA |
New Relic ingest browser API token | New Relic ingest browser API token | NRJS |
New Relic user API ID | New Relic user API ID | newrelic |
New Relic user API Key | New Relic user API Key | NRAK |
npm access token | npm access token | npm_ |
Oculus access token | Oculus access token | OC |
Open AI API key | open ai token | sk- |
PGP private key | PGP private key | —–BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK—– |
PKCS8 private key | PKCS8 private key | —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—– |
Password in URL | Password in URL | Not applicable |
Planetscale API token | Planetscale API token | pscale_tkn_ |
Planetscale password | Planetscale password | pscale_pw_ |
Postman API token | Postman API token | PMAK- |
Pulumi API token | Pulumi API token | pul- |
PyPI upload token | PyPI upload token | pypi-AgEIcHlwaS5vcmc |
RSA private key | RSA private key | —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– |
Rubygem API token | Rubygem API token | rubygems_ |
SSH (DSA) private key | SSH (DSA) private key | —–BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY—– |
SSH (EC) private key | SSH (EC) private key | —–BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY—– |
SSH private key | SSH private key | —–BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY—– |
Segment Public API token | Segment Public API token | sgp_ |
Sendgrid API token | Sendgrid API token | sendgrid |
Sendinblue API token | Sendinblue API token | xkeysib- |
Sendinblue SMTP token | Sendinblue SMTP token | xsmtpsib- |
Shippo API token | Shippo API token | shippo_ |
Shopify access token | Shopify access token | shpat_ |
Shopify custom app access token | Shopify custom app access token | shpca_ |
Shopify private app access token | Shopify private app access token | shppa_ |
Shopify shared secret | Shopify shared secret | shpss_ |
Slack Webhook | Slack Webhook | |
Slack token | Slack token | xoxb, xoxa, xoxp, xoxr, xoxs |
Stripe | Stripe | sk_test, pk_test, sk_live, pk_live |
systemd machine-id | systemd-machine-id | Not applicable |
Tailscale keys | Tailscale key | tskey- |
Twilio API Key | Twilio API Key | SK, twilio |
Twitch API token | Twitch API token | twitch |
Twitter token | Twitter token | |
Typeform API token | Typeform API token | typeform |
Yandex.Cloud AWS API compatible Access Secret | Yandex.Cloud AWS API compatible Access Secret | yandex |
Yandex.Cloud IAM API key v1 | Yandex.Cloud IAM Cookie v1 - 3 | yandex |
Yandex.Cloud IAM Cookie v1 | Yandex.Cloud IAM Cookie v1 - 1 | yandex |
Yandex.Cloud IAM Token v1 | Yandex.Cloud IAM Cookie v1 - 2 | yandex |