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Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
proposed @ayufan @mkaeppler @glopezfernandez devops non_devops 2021-05-19

Composable GitLab Codebase

Due to our focus on improving the overall availability of and reducing tech debt, we do not have capacity to act on this blueprint. We will re-evaluate in Q1-FY23.

The one of the major risks of a single codebase is an infinite growth of the whole application. The more code being added results in not only ever increasing resource requirements for running the application, but increased application coupling and explosion of the complexity.

Executive summary

This blueprint discusses an impact of introducing Application Layers as a way to reduce and improve the application codebase. This discusses the positive and negative outcomes of the proposed solution and tries to estimate the impact on and smaller installations.

Application Layers tries to split GitLab Rails codebase horizontally following the pattern of how we actually run GitLab instead of vertical split. This follows the idea that a single feature needs to run in many different ways (CI for example has Web interface, uses API, and performs background processing), and we are not able to easily run only a given feature separate to the rest application (like CI) due to coupling.

The proposal itself does allow us to disconnect some aspects of the features. These aspects could be treated as components that are run separately from the rest of the stack, but still sharing a large portion of core. This model could be implemented to provide an API interface for external tooling (Runners API, Packages API, Feature Flags Unleash API) and allow us to have much better resiliency and much easier way to scale application in the future.

The actual split was tested with the usage of Rails Engines implementing separate gems in a single repository. The Rails Engines allowed us to well describe the individual components with its dependencies and run an application consisting of many Rails Engines.

The blueprint aims to retain all key aspects of GitLab success: single and monolithic codebase (with a single data-store), but allows us to better model application and make our codebase more composable.

Challenges of the Monolith (a current state)

Today the usage of monolith proves to be challenging in many cases. A single big monolith codebase without clear boundaries results in a number of problems and inefficiencies, some of them being:

  • Deep coupling makes application harder to develop in longer term, as it leads to a spaghetti implementation instead of considering building more interface-based architecture
  • Deep coupling between parts of the codebase making it harder to test. To test only a small portion of application we usually need to run a whole test suite to confidently know which parts are affected. This to some extent can be improved by building a heuristic to aid this process, but it is prone to errors and hard to keep accurate at all times
  • All components need to be loaded at all times to run only parts of the application
  • Increased resource usage, as we load parts of the application that are rarely used in a given context
  • The high memory usage results in slowing the whole application as it increases GC cycles duration creating significantly longer latency for processing requests or worse cache usage of CPUs
  • Increased application boot-up times as we need to load and parse significantly more files
  • Longer boot-up times slows down the development, as running application or tests takes significantly longer reducing velocity and amount of iterations

Composable codebase dimensions

In general, we can think about two ways how codebase can be modeled:

  • vertically in Bounded Contexts, each representing a domain of the application, ex.: All features related to CI are in a given context
  • horizontally in Application Layers: Sidekiq, GraphQL, REST API, Web Controllers, all Domain Models and Services that interface with DB directly

This blueprint explicitly talks about horizontal split and Application Layers.

Current state of Bounded Contexts (vertical split)

The Bounded Contexts is a topic that was discussed extensively number of times for a couple of years. Reflected in number of issues:

We are partially executing a Bounded Contexts idea:

  • Make each team to own their own namespace, namespace which is defined as a module in a codebase
  • Make each team to own their own tests, as namespaces would define a clear boundaries
  • Since we use namespaces, individual contributor or reviewer can know who to reach from domain experts about help with the given context

The module namespaces are actively being used today to model codebase around team boundaries. The most prominent namespaces being used today are Ci:: and Packages::. They provide a good way to contain the code owned by a group in a well-defined structure.

However, the Bounded Contexts while it helps development, it does not help with the above stated goals. This is purely a logical split of the code. This does not prevent deep-coupling. It is still possible to create a circular dependency (and it often happens) between a background processing of CI pipeline and Runner API interface. API can call Sidekiq Worker, Sidekiq can use API to create an endpoint path.

The Bounded Contexts do not make our codebase smarter to know what depends on what, as the whole codebase is treated as single package that needs to be loaded and executed.

Possible additional considerations to the disadvantages of Bounded Context:

  • It can lead to tribal knowledge and duplicate code
  • The deep coupling can make it difficult to iterate and make minimal changes
  • Changes may have cascading effects that are difficult to isolate due to the vertical split

The Application Layers (*horizontal split)

While we continue leveraging Bounded Contexts in form of namespace separation that aids development and review process the Application Layers can provide a way to create a clean separation between different functional parts.

Our main codebase (GitLab Rails after a GitLab running on Ruby on Rails) consists many of implicit Application Layers. There are no clear boundaries between each layer which results in a deep coupling.

The concept of Application Layers looks at the application from the perspective of how we run the application instead of perspective of individual features (like CI or Packages). GitLab application today can be decomposed into the following application layers. This list is not exhaustive, but shows a general list of the different parts of a single monolithic codebase:

  • Web Controllers: process Web requests coming from users visiting web interface
  • Web API: API calls coming from the automated tooling, in some cases also users visiting web interface
  • Web Runners API: API calls from the Runners, that allows Runner to fetch new jobs, or update trace log
  • Web GraphQL: provide a flexible API interface, allowing the Web frontend to fetch only the data needed thereby reducing the amount of compute and data transfer
  • Web ActionCable: provide bi-directional connection to enable real-time features for Users visiting web interface
  • Web Feature Flags Unleash Backend: provide an Unleash-compatible Server that uses GitLab API
  • Web Packages API: provide a REST API compatible with the packaging tools: Debian, Maven, container registry proxy, etc.
  • Git nodes: all code required to authorize git pull/push over SSH or HTTPS
  • Sidekiq: run background jobs
  • Services/Models/DB: all code required to maintain our database structure, data validation, business logic, and policies models that needs to be shared with other components

The best way to likely describe how the actual GitLab Rails split would look like. It is a satellite model. Where we have a single core, that is shared across all satellite components. The design of that implies that satellite components have a limited way to communicate with each other. In a single monolithic application in most of cases application would communicate with a code. In a satellite model the communication needs to be performed externally to the component. This can be via Database, Redis or using a well defined exposed API.

Rails Engines
Data Store
Data Access Layer
Web Processing
Background Processing
using application models
using application models
push background job
via async schedule
via Web API

Application Layers for on-premise installations

The on-premise installations are significantly smaller and they usually run GitLab Rails in two main flavors:

GitLab Rails
API Runner
Sidekiq Workers
GitLab Node with Load Balancer
Web running Puma
Background jobs running Sidekiq
Git running Puma and SSH
PostgreSQL Database
Redis Database

Application Layers on

Due to its scale, requires much more attention to run. This is needed to better manage resources and provide SLAs for different functional parts. The chart below provides a simplistic view of application layers. It does not include all components, like Object Storage nor Gitaly nodes, but shows the GitLab Rails dependencies between different components and how they are configured on today:

GitLab Rails
API Runner
Sidekiq Workers Load Balancer
Web Nodes running Puma
API Nodes running Puma
WebSockets Nodes running Puma
Background Jobs running Sidekiq
Git Nodes running Puma and SSH
PostgreSQL Database
Redis Database

Layer dependencies

The differences in how GitLab is run for on-premise versus how we run does show a main division line in GitLab Rails:

  • Web: containing all API, all Controllers, all GraphQL and ActionCable functionality
  • Sidekiq: containing all background processing jobs
  • Core: containing all database, models and services that needs to be shared between Web and Sidekiq

Each of these top-level application layers do depend only on a fraction of the codebase with all relevant dependencies:

  • In all cases we need the underlying database structure and application models
  • In some cases we need dependent services
  • We only need a part of the application common library
  • We need gems to support the requested functionality
  • Individual layers should not use another sibling layer (tight coupling), rather connect via API, Redis or DB to share data (loose coupling)


The Memory team group conducted a Proof-of-Concept phase to understand the impact of introducing Application Layers. We did this to understand the complexity, impact, and needed iterations to execute this proposal.

The proposals here should be treated as evaluation of the impact of this blueprint, but not a final solution to be implemented. The PoC as defined is not something that should be merged, but serves as a basis for future work.

PoC using Rails Engines

We decided to use Rails Engines by modeling a Web Application Layer. The Web Engine contained Controllers, API, GraphQL. This allowed us to run Web Nodes with all dependencies, but measure the impact on Sidekiq not having these components loaded.

All work can be found in these merge requests:

What was done?

  • We used Rails Engines
  • The 99% of changes as visible in the above MRs is moving files as-is
  • We moved all GraphQL code and specs into engines/web_engine/ as-is
  • We moved all API and Controllers code and specs into engines/web_engine
  • We adapted CI to test engines/web_engine/ as a self-sufficient component of stack
  • We configured GitLab to load gem web_engine running Web nodes (Puma web server)
  • We disabled loading web_engine when running Background processing nodes (Sidekiq)

Implementation details for proposed solution

  1. Introduce new Rails Engine for each application layer.

    We created engines folder, which could contain different engines for each application layer we introduce in the future.

    In the above PoCs we introduced the new Web Application Layer, located in engines/web_engine folder.

  2. Move all code and specs into engines/web_engine/

    • We moved all GraphQL code and specs into engines/web_engine/ without changing files itself
    • We moved all Grape API and Controllers code into engines/web_engine/ without changing files itself
  3. Move gems to the engines/web_engine/

    • We moved all GraphQL gems to the actual web_engine Gemfile
    • We moved Grape API gem to the actual web_engine Gemfile do |spec|
       spec.add_dependency 'apollo_upload_server'
       spec.add_dependency 'graphql'
       spec.add_dependency 'graphiql-rails'
       spec.add_dependency 'graphql-docs'
       spec.add_dependency 'grape'
  4. Move routes to the engines/web_engine/config/routes.rb file

    • We moved GraphQL routes to the web_engine routes.
    • We moved API routes to the web_engine routes.
    • We moved most of the controller routes to the web_engine routes.
     Rails.application.routes.draw do
       post '/api/graphql', to: 'graphql#execute'
       mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: '/-/graphql-explorer', graphql_path:
       Gitlab::Utils.append_path(Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root, '/api/graphql')
       draw :api
  5. Move initializers to the engines/web_engine/config/initializers folder

    • We moved graphql.rb initializer to the web_engine initializers folder
    • We moved grape_patch.rb and graphe_validators to the web_engine initializers folder
  6. Connect GitLab application with the WebEngine

    In GitLab Gemfile.rb, add web_engine to the engines group

     # Gemfile
     group :engines, :test do
       gem 'web_engine', path: 'engines/web_engine'

    Since the gem is inside :engines group, it is not automatically required by default.

  7. Configure GitLab when to load the engine.

    In GitLab config/engines.rb, we can configure when do we want to load our engines by relying on our Gitlab::Runtime

    # config/engines.rb
    # Load only in case we are running web_server or rails console
    if Gitlab::Runtime.puma? || Gitlab::Runtime.console?
      require 'web_engine'
  8. Configure Engine

    Our Engine inherits from the Rails::Engine class. This way this gem notifies Rails that there’s an engine at the specified path so it will correctly mount the engine inside the application, performing tasks such as adding the app directory of the engine to the load path for models, mailers, controllers, and views. A file at lib/web_engine/engine.rb, is identical in function to a standard Rails application’s config/application.rb file. This way engines can access a configuration object which contains configuration shared by all railties and the application. Additionally, each engine can access autoload_paths, eager_load_paths, and autoload_once_paths settings which are scoped to that engine.

    module WebEngine
      class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
          ee_paths = config.eager_load_paths.each_with_object([]) do |path, memo|
            ee_path = config.root
            memo << ee_path.to_s
          # Eager load should load CE first
  9. Testing

    We adapted CI to test engines/web_engine/ as a self-sufficient component of stack.

    • We moved spec as-is files to the engines/web_engine/spec folder
    • We moved ee/spec as-is files to the engines/web_engine/ee/spec folder
    • We control specs from main application using environment variable TEST_WEB_ENGINE
    • We added new CI job that will run engines/web_engine/spec tests separately using TEST_WEB_ENGINE environment variable.
    • We added new CI job that will run engines/web_engine/ee/spec tests separately using TEST_WEB_ENGINE environment variable.
    • We are running all white box frontend tests with TEST_WEB_ENGINE=true


The effect on introducing these changes:

  • Savings for RSS
  • 61.06 MB (7.76%) - Sidekiq without GraphQL
  • 100.11 MB (12.73%) - Sidekiq without GraphQL and API
  • 208.83 MB (26.56%) - Sidekiq without GraphQL, API, Controllers
  • The size of Web nodes (running Puma) stayed the same as before

Savings on Sidekiq start-up event, for a single Sidekiq cluster without GraphQL, API, Controllers

  • We saved 264.13 MB RSS (28.69%)
  • We saved 264.09 MB USS (29.36%)
  • Boot-up time was reduced from 45.31 to 21.80 seconds. It was 23.51 seconds faster (51.89%)
  • We have 805,772 less live objects, 4,587,535 less allocated objects, 2,866 less allocated pages and 3.65 MB less allocated space for objects outside of the heap
  • We loaded 2,326 less code files (15.64%)
  • We reduced the duration of a single full GC cycle from 0.80 seconds to 0.70 seconds (12.64%)

Puma single, showed very little difference as expected.

More details can be found in the issue.

Impact on

Estimating the results for the scale of running, today we use:

We estimate the possible maximum savings for introducing web_engine:

  • Reduce a GC cycle time by 20%, from to 200 ms to 160 ms
  • The amount of GC cycles per-second would stay the same, but due to GC cycle time reduction we would use around 6 vCPUs instead of 8 vCPUs
  • In the best case we would be looking at Sidekiq alone we would be estimating to save up-to 137 GB of memory on

This model could be extended to introduce sidekiq_engine giving a similar benefits (even more important due to visible impact on users) for Web nodes.


We achieved a number of benefits introducing these changes.


  • Significantly lower memory usage
  • Significantly shorter application load time for Sidekiq
  • Significantly improved responsiveness of Sidekiq service due to much shorter GC cycles
  • Significantly easier testing of a portion of application, ex. changing web_engines/ does require re-running test only for this application layer
  • We retained a monolithic architecture of the codebase, but sharing database and application models
  • A significant saving from the infrastructure side
  • Ability to comfortably run on constrained environments by reducing application footprint


  • It is harder to implement GraphQL subscriptions as in case of Sidekiq as we need another way to pass subscriptions
  • api_v4 paths can be used in some services that are used by Sidekiq (for example api_v4_projects_path)
  • url_helpers paths are used in models and services, that could be used by Sidekiq (for example Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_pipelines_path is used by ExpirePipelineCacheService in ExpirePipelineCacheWorker)

Example: GraphQL

Draft: PoC - Move GraphQL to the WebEngine

  • The 99% of changes as visible in the above MRs is moving files as-is.
  • The actual work on fixing cross-dependencies, specs, and configuring web_engine
  • We adapted CI to test engines/web_engine/ as a self-sufficient component of stack

Today, loading GraphQL requires a bunch of dependencies:

We also discovered that we load/require 14480 files, memory-team-2gb-week#9 when we start GitLab. 1274 files belong to GraphQL. This means that if we don’t load 1274 application files and all related GraphQL gems when we don’t need them (Sidekiq), we could save a lot of memory.

GraphQL only needs to run in a specific context. If we could limit when it is being loaded we could effectively improve application efficiency, by reducing application load time and required memory. This, for example, is applicable for every size installation.

A potential challenge with GraphQL and Websockets is that at some point we might want to use Action Cable subscriptions and push GraphQL/API payload from Sidekiq to clients. This would likely use Redis to pass data through. Where Sidekiq would publish information on Redis and ActionCable Node would pass through that information to connected clients. This way of working is possible in the above model, but we would have to use GraphQL or API (over HTTP endpoint) to calculate what should be sent.

An alternative way is to use a notification system that would always make an ActionCable node (the one handling WebSockets) generate a payload based on a send query instead of performing passthrough. This could be applicable since ActionCable is the one handling a given connection for a client. This could have a downside of having to recalculate the same payload if many clients would be watching the same resource. However, this behavior of system might still be desired for security purposes, as generated payload might be dependent on permission of watching client (we would show different for anonymous, and different for the member of the project).

Example: API

Draft: PoC - Move only Grape API:API to the WebEngine

  • 99% of the changes, as visible in the above MRs, are moving the files as-is.
  • The actual work on fixing cross-dependencies, specs, configuring initializers, gems and routes.

Grape::API is another example that only needs to run only in a web server context.

Potential challenges with Grape API:

  • Currently there are some API::API dependencies in the models (for example API::Helpers::Version dependency in project model or API::API dependency in GeoNode model for geo_retrieve_url)
  • api_v4 paths are used in helpers, presenters, and views (for example api_v4_projects_path in PackagesHelper)

Example: Controllers

Draft: PoC - Move Controllers and Grape API:API to the WebEngine

  • 99% of the changes, as visible in the above MRs, are moving files as-is.
  • The actual work on fixing cross-dependencies, specs, configuring initializers, gems and routes.

Controllers, Serializers, some presenters and some of the Grape:Entities are also good examples that only need to be run in web server context.

Potential challenges with moving Controllers:

  • We needed to extend Gitlab::Patch::DrawRoute to support engines/web_engine/config/routes and engines/web_engine/ee/config/routes in case when web_engine is loaded. Here is potential solution.
  • Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers paths are used in models and services, that could be used by Sidekiq (for example Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_pipelines_path is used by ExpirePipelineCacheService in ExpirePipelineCacheWorker))


Packwerk is currently accepting bug fixes only, and it is not being actively developed. Check for more details

Future impact

Application Layers and this proposal currently defines only web_engine. Following the same pattern we could easily introduce additional engines dedicated for supporting that would allow us to maintain much better separation, lower memory usage and much better maintainability of GitLab Rails into the future.

This would be a framework for introducing all new interfaces for features that do not need to be part of the core codebase, like support for additional Package services. Allowing us to better scale application in the future, but retaining a single codebase and monolithic architecture of GitLab.

As of today, it seems reasonable to define three application layers:

  • gitlab-core: a core functionality: DB structure, models, services, common library. It models a data access layer, and initially all services needed to run GitLab. This might be potentially be split in the future into smaller aspects
  • gitlab-web: a Controllers/API/GraphQL/ActionCable functionality needed to run in a web server context (depends on gitlab-core)
  • gitlab-sidekiq: a background jobs functionality needed to run Sidekiq Workers (depends on gitlab-core)

This model is best described today as a shared core with satellite. The shared core defines data access layer, where as satellites define a way to present and process this data. Satellites can only talk with Core. They cannot directly load or talk to another satellite unless they use a well defined interface in form of API, GraphQL or Redis (as for scheduling Sidekiq jobs).

It is reasonable to assume that we limit how many engines we allow. Initial proposal is to allow up to 5 engines to be created to ensure that we do not have explosion of engines.

Issues and Merge Requests