Troubleshooting Code Quality

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

When working with Code Quality, you might encounter the following issues.

The code cannot be found and the pipeline runs always with default configuration

You are probably using a private runner with the Docker-in-Docker socket-binding configuration. You should configure Code Quality checks to run on your worker as documented in Improve Code Quality performance with private runners.

Changing the default configuration has no effect

A common issue is that the terms Code Quality (GitLab specific) and Code Climate (Engine used by GitLab) are very similar. You must add a .codeclimate.yml file to change the default configuration, not a .codequality.yml file. If you use the wrong filename, the default .codeclimate.yml is still used.

No Code Quality report is displayed in a merge request

This can be due to multiple reasons:

  • You just added the Code Quality job in your .gitlab-ci.yml. The report does not have anything to compare to yet, so no information can be displayed. It only displays after future merge requests have something to compare to.
  • Your pipeline is not set to run the code quality job on your target branch. If there is no report generated from the target branch, your merge request branch reports have nothing to compare to. In this situation you get an error stating Base pipeline codequality artifact not found.
  • The artifacts:expire_in CI/CD setting can cause the Code Quality artifacts to expire faster than desired.
  • The widgets use the pipeline of the latest commit to the target branch. If commits are made to the default branch that do not run the code quality job, this may cause the merge request widget to have no base report for comparison.
  • If you use the REPORT_STDOUT environment variable, no report file is generated and nothing displays in the merge request.

Only a single Code Quality report is displayed, but more are defined

Code Quality automatically combines multiple reports.

In GitLab 15.6 and earlier, Code Quality used only the artifact from the latest created job (with the largest job ID). Code Quality artifacts from earlier jobs were ignored.

RuboCop errors

When using Code Quality jobs on a Ruby project, you can encounter problems running RuboCop. For example, the following error can appear when using either a very recent or very old version of Ruby:

/usr/local/bundle/gems/rubocop-0.52.1/lib/rubocop/config.rb:510:in `check_target_ruby':
Unknown Ruby version 2.7 found in `.ruby-version`. (RuboCop::ValidationError)
Supported versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

This is caused by the default version of RuboCop used by the check engine not covering support for the Ruby version in use.

To use a custom version of RuboCop that supports the version of Ruby used by the project, you can override the configuration through a .codeclimate.yml file created in the project repository.

For example, to specify using RuboCop release 0.67:

version: "2"
    enabled: true
    channel: rubocop-0-67

No Code Quality appears on merge requests when using custom tool

If your merge requests do not show any Code Quality changes when using a custom tool, ensure that the line property is an integer.

Error: Could not analyze code quality

You might get the error:

error: (CC::CLI::Analyze::EngineFailure) engine pmd ran for 900 seconds and was killed
Could not analyze code quality for the repository at /code

If you enabled any of the Code Climate plugins, and the Code Quality CI/CD job fails with this error message, it’s likely the job takes longer than the default timeout of 900 seconds:

To work around this problem, set TIMEOUT_SECONDS to a higher value in your .gitlab.-ci.yml file.

For example:


Using Code Quality with Kubernetes CI executor

Code Quality requires a Docker in Docker setup to work. The Kubernetes executor already has support for this.

To ensure Code Quality jobs can run on a Kubernetes executor:

Error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

If you set the CODE_QUALITY_IMAGE to an image that is hosted in a Docker registry which uses a TLS certificate that is not trusted, such as a self-signed certificate, you can see errors like the one below:

$ docker pull --quiet "$CODE_QUALITY_IMAGE"
Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

To fix this, configure the Docker daemon to trust certificates by putting the certificate inside of the /etc/docker/certs.d directory.

This Docker daemon is exposed to the subsequent Code Quality Docker container in the GitLab Code Quality template and should be to exposed any other containers in which you want to have your certificate configuration apply.


If you have access to GitLab Runner configuration, add the directory as a volume mount.

Replace with the actual domain of the registry.


  executor = "docker"
    privileged = true
    volumes = ["/cache", "/etc/gitlab-runner/certs/"]


If you have access to GitLab Runner configuration and the Kubernetes cluster, you can mount a ConfigMap.

Replace with the actual domain of the registry.

  1. Create a ConfigMap with the certificate:

    kubectl create configmap registry-crt --namespace gitlab-runner --from-file /etc/gitlab-runner/certs/
  2. Update GitLab Runner config.toml to specify the ConfigMap:

      executor = "kubernetes"
        image = "alpine:3.12"
        privileged = true
          name = "registry-crt"
          mount_path = "/etc/docker/certs.d/"
          sub_path = ""

Failed to load Code Quality report

The Code Quality report can fail to load when there are issues parsing data from the artifact file. To gain insight into the errors, you can execute a GraphQL query using the following steps:

  1. Go to the pipeline details page.
  2. Append .json to the URL.
  3. Copy the iid of the pipeline.
  4. Go to the interactive GraphQL explorer.
  5. Run the following query:

      project(fullPath: "<fullpath-to-your-project>") {
        pipeline(iid: "<iid>") {
          codeQualityReports {
            nodes {
            pageInfo {