File finder

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated
  • Changed to a dialog in GitLab 16.11.

With file finder, you can search for a file in a repository directly from the GitLab UI.

File finder is powered by the fuzzaldrin-plus library, which uses fuzzy search and highlights results as you type.

Search for a file

To search for a file, press t anywhere in your project, or:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Code > Repository.
  3. In the upper right, select Find file.
  4. On the dialog, start entering the filename.
  5. From the dropdown list, select the file.

To go back to Files, press Esc.

To narrow down your results, include / in your search.

Find file button