Status | Authors | Coach | DRIs | Owning Stage | Created |
proposed | devops verify | - |
Runner Integration
Non goals
This proposal does not address deployment of the Step Runner binary into
target environments, nor of starting the Step Runner gRPC service
described below. The rest of the proposal assumes both that the Step
Runner binary exists in the target environment and that the gRPC service
is running and listening on a local socket. Similarly this proposal does
not address the life-cycle of the Step Runner
service, and how to handle
things like restarting the service if it dies, or upgrades.
See Deployment and Lifecycle Management for relevant blueprint.
Steps Service gRPC Definition
The Step Runner service gRPC definition is as follows:
service StepRunner {
rpc Run(RunRequest) returns (RunResponse);
rpc FollowSteps(FollowStepsRequest) returns (stream FollowStepsResponse);
rpc FollowLogs(FollowLogsRequest) returns (stream FollowLogsResponse);
rpc Finish(FinishRequest) returns (FinishResponse);
rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse);
message Variable {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
bool file = 3;
bool masked = 4;
message Job {
repeated Variable variables = 1;
string job_id = 2;
string pipeline_id = 3;
string build_dir = 4;
repeated string token_prefixes = 5;
message Masking {
repeated string phrases = 1;
repeated string token_prefixes = 2;
message RunRequest {
string id = 1;
string work_dir = 2;
map<string,string> env = 3;
Masking masking = 4;
Job job = 5;
string steps = 6;
message RunResponse {
message FollowStepsRequest {
string id = 1;
message FollowStepsResponse {
StepResult result = 1;
message FollowLogsRequest {
string id = 1;
int32 offset = 2;
message FollowLogsResponse {
bytes data = 1;
message FinishRequest {
string id = 1;
message FinishResponse {
message Status {
string id = 1;
bool finished = 2;
int32 exit_code = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 5;
message StatusRequest {
string id = 1;
message StatusResponse {
repeated Status jobs = 1;
Runner interacts with Step Runner over the above gRPC service which is
started on a local socket in the execution environment. Runner accesses
the local socket by first connecting to the target environment via
executor-specific protocols, then use a provided proxy
command to
connect to the gRPC
service, and transparently tunnel gRPC
from the Runner to Step Runner (seeProxy Command). This
is the same way that Nesting serves a gRPC service in a dedicated Mac
instance. The service has five RPCs, Run
, FollowSteps
, FollowLogs
and Status
is the initial delivery of the steps. FollowSteps
requests a
streaming response of step-result traces. FollowLogs
similarly requests
a streaming response of output (stdout
) written by processes
executed as part of running the steps, and logs produced by Step Runner
itself. Finish
stops execution of the request (if still running) and
cleans up resources as soon as possible. Status
lists the status of the
specified job, or if no job was specified, of all active jobs in the Step
Runner service (including completed but not Finish
ed jobs). Status
for example be used by a runner to recover after a crash.
The Step Runner gRPC service will be able to execute multiple Run
payloads at once. That is, each call to Run
will start a new goroutine
and execute the steps until completion. Multiple calls to Run
may be
made simultaneously.
As steps are executed, step-result traces and sub-process logs can be
streamed back to GitLab Runner. This allows Runner (or any caller) to
follow execution, at the step level for step-result traces
), and as written for sub-process and Step Runner logs
). Logs will be written in a specific format,
and sensitive tokens will be masked by Step Runner before
being streamed to Runner.
All APIs excluding Status
are idempotent, meaning that multiple calls to
the same API with the same parameters should return the same result. For
example, If Run
is called multiple times with the same id
, only the
first invocation should begin processing of the job request, and
subsequent invocations return a success status but otherwise do noting.
Similarly, multiple calls to Finish
with the same id
should finish and
remove the relevant job on the first call, and do nothing on subsequent
The service should not assume clients will be well-behaved, and should be
able to handle clients that never call or prematurely disconnect from
either of the Follow
APIs, and also clients that never call Finish
a corresponding Run
request. To this end the Step Runner
should periodically perform a scan to identify and prune stale or
runaway/stuck jobs. A stale job could be a job that has finished some
specified time ago (and has not been Finish
ed). A runaway job is a job
that has been running some (long) specified amount of time, possibly
without producing output.
Finally, to facilitate integrating steps into the below runner executors,
it is recommended that steps provide a client library to coordinate
execution of the Run
APIs, and to handle reconnecting
to the step-runner service in the event that the Follow*
calls loose
RunRequest Parameters
Steps are delivered to Step Runner in the RunRequest.Steps
field as a
JSON-serialized version of
with no processing of the step definition required by runner itself. The
field uniquely identifies each request running on the Step Runner
service. The RunRequest.Env
field holds environment variable that are to
be injected into the environment when each step is executed.
The optional Job
parameter will include select parameters from the
corresponding CI job. Job
will include the corresponding CI job’s build
directory; Job.BuildDir
should be copied to RunRequest.WorkDir
, and
all steps in a request should be invoked in that directory to preserve
existing job script behavior. The RunRequest
will also include the CI
job’s environment variables (i.e. the variables
defined at the job and
global levels in the CI configuration). When a RunRequest
is made by
Runner, variables must be included in Job.Variables
, and
should be left empty. When the run request is processed,
file-type variables will be written to file, variables will be expanded,
copied into RunRequest.Env
, and the Job
field will be discarded from
the remainder of the request. Variables should be expanded by the Step
Runner service since they may reference object in the execution
environment (like other environment variables or paths). This includes
file-type variables, which should be written to the same path as they
are be in traditional runner job execution. Similarly, from
, phrases to be masked should be extracted and used to
populate Masking.Phrases
, and Job.TokenPrefixes
should be copied into
Clients other than Runner wishing to run steps can omit the Job
and in this case the Masking
and Env
fields should be populated
directly by the caller.
Log Format
Log lines emitted buy the FollowLogs
API should have the format
<timestamp> <stream> <stdout/stderr> <append flag> <message>
This is the same log format introduce into runner in this merge request.
The logging library used to produce this format should be shared between
GitLab Runner
and Step Runner
Step Runner
will be responsible for masking sensitive variables or
tokens. This should be done before the raw log message is formatted into
the above log format. The libraries used to mask variables should shared
between GitLab Runner
and Step Runner
. (See
Proxy Command
The Step Runner
binary will include a command to proxy data from
(typically text-based) stdin
-based protocols to the
gRPC service. This command will run in the same host as the gRPC service,
and will read input from stdin
, forward it to the gRPC service over a
local socket, receive output from the gRPC service over same socket, and
forward it to the client via stdout
. This command will enable
clients (like Runner) to transparently tunnel to the gRPC
service via
-based protocols like SSH or docker exec
, which
will eliminate the need to expose the Step Runner service’s gRPC port on
Docker images, or set up SSH port forwarding on VMs, and will allow runner
to interact with Step Runner
using established protocols (i.e. SSH and
docker exec
). stdout
should be reserved for writing responses from the
Step Runner
service, and stderr
should be reserved for errors
originating in the proxy
command itself.
Here is how GitLab Runner will connect to Step Runner in each runner executor:
The Instance executor is accessed via SSH, the same as today. However
instead of starting a bash shell and piping in commands, it invokes the
proxy command, which in turn connects to the Step
Runner socket in a known location. Runner can then make gRPC
directly, and transparently tunnel through the SSH
connection to the
service. This is the same as how Runner calls the Nesting server in
dedicated Mac instances to make VMs.
This requires that Step Runner is present and started in the job execution environment.
The same requirement that Step Runner is present and the gRPC service is
running is true for the Docker executor (and docker-autoscaler
). However
in order to connect to the gRPC service inside the container, Runner will
docker exec
to the container and execute the proxy command to connect to
the gRPC service in the container. The client can then write to the
docker exec
’s stdin
, which will transparently be proxied to the gRPC
service, and read from its stdout/stderr
, which will contain responses
from the gRPC service.
The Kubelet on Kubernetes Nodes exposes an exec API which will start a
process in a container of a running Pod. We will use this to exec create
a bridge process that will allow the caller to make gRPC
calls inside
the Pod, similar to the Docker executor.
In order to access to this protected Kubelet API we must use the
Kubernetes API which provides an exec sub-resource on Pod. A caller
can POST to the URL of a pod suffixed with /exec
and then negotiate
the connection up to a SPDY protocol for bidirectional byte
streaming. So GitLab Runner can use the Kubernetes API to connect to
the Step Runner service and deliver job payloads.
This is the same way that kubectl exec
works. In fact most of the
internals such as SPDY negotiation are provided as client-go
libraries. So Runner can call the Kubernetes API directly by
importing the necessary libraries rather than shelling out to
Historically one of the weaknesses of the Kubernetes Executor was running a whole job through a single exec. To mitigate this Runner uses the attach command instead, which can “re-attach” to an existing shell process and pick up where it left off.
This is not necessary for Step Runner however, because the exec is
just establishing a bridge to the long-running gRPC process. If the
connection drops, Runner will just “re-attach” by exec’ing another
connection and continuing to make RPC calls like follow