Unit formats reference
all tiers

Introduced in GitLab 12.9.

Format the data in your dashboard panels.

You can select units to format your charts by adding format to your axis configuration.

Internationalization and localization

Currently, your internationalization and localization options for number formatting are dependent on the system you are using (that is, your OS or browser).

Engineering Notation

For generic or default data, numbers are formatted according to the current locale in engineering notation.

While an engineering notation exists for the web, GitLab uses a version based off the scientific notation. GitLab formatting acts in accordance with SI prefixes. For example, using GitLab notation, 1500.00 becomes 1.5k instead of 1.5E3. Keep this distinction in mind when using the engineering notation for your metrics.

Formats: engineering

SI prefixes:

Name Symbol Value
yotta Y 1000000000000000000000000
zetta Z 1000000000000000000000
exa E 1000000000000000000
peta P 1000000000000000
tera T 1000000000000
giga G 1000000000
mega M 1000000
kilo k 1000
milli m 0.001
micro μ 0.000001
nano n 0.000000001
pico p 0.000000000001
femto f 0.000000000000001
atto a 0.000000000000000001
zepto z 0.000000000000000000001
yocto y 0.000000000000000000000001


Data Displayed
0.000000000000000000000008 8y
0.000000000000000000008 8z
0.000000000000000008 8a
0.000000000000008 8f
0.000000000008 8p
0.000000008 8n
0.008 8m
10 10
1080 1.08k
18000 18k
18888 18.9k
188888 189k
18888888 18.9M
1888888888 1.89G
1888888888888 1.89T
1888888888888888 1.89P
1888888888888888888 1.89E
1888888888888888888888 1.89Z
1888888888888888888888888 1.89Y
1888888888888888888888888888 1.89e+27


For number data, numbers are formatted according to the current locale.

Formats: number


Data Displayed
10 1
1000 1,000
1000000 1,000,000


For percentage data, format numbers in the chart with a % symbol.

Formats supported: percent, percentHundred


Format Data Displayed
percent 0.5 50%
percent 1 100%
percent 2 200%
percentHundred 50 50%
percentHundred 100 100%
percentHundred 200 200%


For time durations, format numbers in the chart with a time unit symbol.

Formats supported: milliseconds, seconds


Format Data Displayed
milliseconds 10 10 ms
milliseconds 500 100 ms
milliseconds 1000 1000 ms
seconds 10 10 s
seconds 500 500 s
seconds 1000 1000 s

Digital (Metric)

Converts a number of bytes using metric prefixes. It scales to use the unit that’s the best fit.

Formats supported:

  • decimalBytes
  • kilobytes
  • megabytes
  • gigabytes
  • terabytes
  • petabytes


Format Data Displayed
decimalBytes 1 1 B
decimalBytes 1000 1 kB
decimalBytes 1000000 1 MB
kilobytes 1 1 kB
kilobytes 1000 1 MB
kilobytes 1000000 1 GB
megabytes 1 1 MB
megabytes 1000 1 GB
megabytes 1000000 1 TB

Digital (IEC)

Converts a number of bytes using binary prefixes. It scales to use the unit that’s the best fit.

Formats supported:

  • bytes
  • kibibytes
  • mebibytes
  • gibibytes
  • tebibytes
  • pebibytes


Format Data Displayed
bytes 1 1 B
bytes 1024 1 KiB
bytes 1024 * 1024 1 MiB
kibibytes 1 1 KiB
kibibytes 1024 1 MiB
kibibytes 1024 * 1024 1 GiB
mebibytes 1 1 MiB
mebibytes 1024 1 GiB
mebibytes 1024 * 1024 1 TiB