The system services of GitLab Runner
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GitLab Runner uses the Go service library to detect the underlying OS and eventually install the service file based on the init system.

service installs, un-installs, starts, stops, and runs a program as a service (daemon). Windows XP+, Linux/(systemd | Upstart | SysV), and macOS/Launchd are supported.

When GitLab Runner is installed, the service file is automatically created:

  • systemd: /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service
  • upstart: /etc/init/gitlab-runner

Setting custom environment variables

You may want to run GitLab Runner with custom environment variables. For example, suppose you want GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to be defined in the runner’s environment. Note that this is different from the environment configuration setting, which defines the variables that are automatically added to all jobs executed by a runner.

Customizing systemd

For runners that use systemd, create /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service.d/env.conf using one Environment=key=value line for each variable to export. For example:


Then reload the configuration:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart gitlab-runner.service

Customizing upstart

For runners that use upstart, create /etc/init/gitlab-runner.override and export the desired variables. For example:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/etc/gitlab-runner/gce-credentials.json"

Restart the runner for this to take effect.

Overriding default stopping behavior

In some cases, you might want to override the default behavior of the service.

For example, when you upgrade GitLab Runner, you should stop it gracefully until all running jobs are finished. However, systemd, upstart, or other services may almost immediately restart the process without even noticing.

So, when you upgrade GitLab Runner, the installation script kills and restarts the runner process that was probably handling new jobs at the time.

Overriding systemd

For runners that use systemd, create /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service.d/kill.conf with the following content:


After adding these two settings to the systemd unit configuration, you can stop the runner and systemd uses SIGQUIT as the kill signal, to stop the process. Additionally, a 2h timeout is set for the stop command, which means that if any jobs don’t terminate gracefully before this timeout, systemd kills the process by using SIGKILL.

Overriding upstart

For runners that use upstart, create /etc/init/gitlab-runner.override with the following content:

kill signal SIGQUIT
kill timeout 7200

After adding these two settings to the upstart unit configuration, you can stop the runner and upstart does exactly the same as systemd above.