Authenticate with the Container Registry
all tiers

External authorization will be enabled by default in GitLab 16.0. External authorization prevents personal access tokens and deploy tokens from accessing container and package registries and affects all users who use these tokens to access the registries. You can disable external authorization if you want to use personal access tokens and deploy tokens with the container or package registries.

To authenticate with the Container Registry, you can use a:

All of these authentication methods require the minimum scope:

  • For read (pull) access, to be read_registry.
  • For write (push) access, to bewrite_registry and read_registry.

To authenticate, run the docker login command. For example:

   docker login -u <username> -p <token>

Use GitLab CI/CD to authenticate

To use CI/CD to authenticate with the Container Registry, you can use:

  • The CI_REGISTRY_USER CI/CD variable.

    This variable has read-write access to the Container Registry and is valid for one job only. Its password is also automatically created and assigned to CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD.

  • A CI job token.

  • A deploy token with the minimum scope of:
    • For read (pull) access, read_registry.
    • For write (push) access, write_registry.
  • A personal access token with the minimum scope of:
    • For read (pull) access, read_registry.
    • For write (push) access, write_registry.
    docker login -u <username> -p <access_token> $CI_REGISTRY