Ruby gems API

This is the API documentation for Ruby gems.

This API is used by the Ruby gems and Bundler package manager clients and is generally not meant for manual consumption. This API is under development and is not ready for production use due to limited functionality.

For instructions on how to upload and install gems from the GitLab package registry, see the Ruby gems registry documentation.

These endpoints do not adhere to the standard API authentication methods. See the Ruby gems registry documentation for details on which headers and token types are supported. Undocumented authentication methods might be removed in the future.

Enable the Ruby gems API

The Ruby gems API for GitLab is behind a feature flag that is disabled by default. GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console can enable this API for your instance.

To enable it:


To disable it:


To enable or disable it for specific projects:

Feature.enable(:rubygem_packages, Project.find(1))
Feature.disable(:rubygem_packages, Project.find(2))

Download a gem file

Introduced in GitLab 13.10.

Download a gem:

GET projects/:id/packages/rubygems/gems/:file_name
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the project.
file_namestringyesThe name of the .gem file.
curl --header "Authorization:<personal_access_token>" ""

Write the output to file:

curl --header "Authorization:<personal_access_token>" "" >> my_gem-1.0.0.gem

This writes the downloaded file to my_gem-1.0.0.gem in the current directory.

Fetch a list of dependencies

Introduced in GitLab 13.10.

Fetch a list of dependencies for a list of gems:

GET projects/:id/packages/rubygems/api/v1/dependencies
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the project.
gemsstringnoComma-separated list of gems to fetch dependencies for.
curl --header "Authorization:<personal_access_token>" ",foo"

This endpoint returns a marshalled array of hashes for all versions of the requested gems. Since the response is marshalled, you can store it in a file. If Ruby is installed, you can use the following Ruby command to read the response. For this to work, you must set your credentials in ~/.gem/credentials:

$ ruby -ropen-uri -rpp -e \
  'pp Marshal.load(open(",rails,foo"))'

[{:name=>"my_gem", :number=>"0.0.1", :platform=>"ruby", :dependencies=>[]},
   [["dependency_1", "~> 1.2.3"],
    ["dependency_2", "= 3.0.0"],
    ["dependency_3", ">= 1.0.0"],
    ["dependency_4", ">= 0"]]},
   [["dependency_1", "~> 1.2.3"],
    ["dependency_2", "= 3.0.0"],
    ["dependency_3", ">= 1.0.0"],
    ["dependency_4", ">= 0"]]},
    ["dependency_2", "= 3.0.0"],
    ["dependency_4", ">= 0"]]}]

This writes the downloaded file to mypkg-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the current directory.

Upload a gem

Introduced in GitLab 13.11.

Upload a gem:

POST projects/:id/packages/rubygems/api/v1/gems
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the project.
curl --request POST \
     --upload-file path/to/my_gem_file.gem \
     --header "Authorization:<personal_access_token>" \