Package defaults
all tiers

Unless configuration is specified in the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file, the package assumes the defaults as noted below.


See the table below for the list of ports that the Linux package assigns by default:

ComponentOn by defaultCommunicates viaAlternativeConnection port
GitLab RailsYesPortX80 or 443
GitLab ShellYesPortX22
PostgreSQLYesSocketPort (5432)X
RedisYesSocketPort (6379)X
PumaYesSocketPort (8080)X
GitLab WorkhorseYesSocketPort (8181)X
NGINX statusYesPortX8060
Node exporterYesPortX9100
Redis exporterYesPortX9121
PostgreSQL exporterYesPortX9187
PgBouncer exporterNoPortX9188
GitLab ExporterYesPortX9168
Sidekiq exporterYesPortX8082
Sidekiq health checkYesPortX80921
Web exporterNoPortX8083
Geo PostgreSQLNoSocketPort (5431)X
Redis SentinelNoPortX26379
Incoming emailNoPortX143
Elastic searchNoPortX9200
GitLab PagesNoPortX80 or 443
GitLab RegistryNo*PortX80, 443 or 5050
GitLab RegistryNoPortX5000
LDAPNoPortXDepends on the component configuration
KerberosNoPortX8443 or 8088
OmniAuthYesPortXDepends on the component configuration
Remote syslogNoPortX514
MattermostNoPortX80 or 443
ConsulNoPortX8300, 8301(TCP and UDP), 8500, 86002
GitLab KASYesPortX8150
GitalyYesSocketPort (8075)8075 or 9999 (TLS)
Gitaly exporterYesPortX9236
PraefectNoPortX2305 or 3305 (TLS)
GitLab Workhorse exporterYesPortX9229
Registry exporterNoPortX5001


  • Component - Name of the component.
  • On by default - Is the component running by default.
  • Communicates via - How the component talks with the other components.
  • Alternative - If it is possible to configure the component to use different type of communication. The type is listed with default port used in that case.
  • Connection port - Port on which the component communicates.

GitLab also expects a file system to be ready for the storage of Git repositories and various other files.

If you are using NFS (Network File System), files are carried over a network which requires, based on implementation, ports 111 and 2049 to be open.

In some cases, the GitLab Registry is automatically enabled by default. See our documentation for more details.
  1. If Sidekiq health check settings are not set, they default to the Sidekiq metrics exporter settings. This default is deprecated and is set to be removed in GitLab 15.0

  2. If using additional Consul functionality, more ports may need to be opened. See the official documentation for the list.