Mobile DevOps (Experimental)
Use GitLab Mobile DevOps to quickly build, sign, and release native and cross-platform mobile apps for Android and iOS using GitLab CI/CD. Mobile DevOps is an experimental feature developed by GitLab Incubation Engineering.
Mobile DevOps is still in development, but you can:
Build environments
Get started quickly by using SaaS runners, or set up self-managed runners for complete control over the build environment.
Android build environments
Set up an Android build environment by selecting an appropriate Docker image
and adding it to your .gitlab-ci.yml
file. Fabernovel
provides a variety of supported Android versions.
For example:
image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0
stage: test
- fastlane test
iOS build environments
GitLab SaaS runners on macOS are currently available in beta.
After you are granted access to the beta macOS runners, choose an image
and add it to your .gitlab-ci.yml
For example:
image: macos-12-xcode-14
stage: test
- fastlane test
- saas-macos-medium-m1
Code signing
All Android and iOS apps must be securely signed before being distributed through the various app stores. Signing ensures that applications haven’t been tampered with before reaching a user’s device.
With project-level secure files, you can store the following in GitLab, so that they can be used to securely sign apps in CI/CD builds:
- Keystores
- Provision profiles
- Signing certificates
For an overview, see Project-level secure files demo.
Code signing Android projects with fastlane & Gradle
To set up code signing for Android:
- Upload your keystore and keystore properties files to project-level secure files.
- Update the Gradle configuration to use those files in the build.
For an overview, see How to build and release an Android app to Google Play with GitLab.
Create a keystore
Run the following command to generate a keystore file if you don’t already have one:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore release-keystore.jks -storepass password -alias release -keypass password -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Next, put the keystore configuration in a file called
which should look similar to this example:
After these files are created:
- Upload them as Secure Files in the GitLab project so they can be used in CI/CD jobs.
- Add both files to your
file so they aren’t committed to version control.
Configure Gradle
The next step is to configure Gradle to use the newly created keystore. In the app’s build.gradle
Immediately after the plugins section, add:
def keystoreProperties = new Properties() def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('.secure_files/') if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) { keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile)) }
Anywhere within the
block, add:signingConfigs { release { keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias'] keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword'] storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword'] } }
Add the
to the release build type:signingConfig signingConfigs.release
With this configuration in place, you can use fastlane to build & sign the app with the files stored in secure files.
For example:
file:default_platform(:android) platform :android do desc "Create and sign a new build" lane :build do gradle(tasks: ["clean", "assembleRelease", "bundleRelease"]) end end
file:build: image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0 stage: build script: - apt update -y && apt install -y curl - curl --silent "" | bash - fastlane build
Code sign iOS projects with fastlane
To set up code signing for iOS, you must:
- Install fastlane locally so you can upload your signing certificates to GitLab.
- Configure the build to use those files.
For an overview, see How to build and release an iOS app to Test Flight with GitLab.
Initialize fastlane
With fastlane installed, start by running:
fastlane init
This command creates a fastlane
folder in the project with an Appfile
and a stubbed-out fastfile
This process asks you for login credentials to App Store Connect
to generate an app identifier and App Store app if they don’t already exist.
The next step sets up fastlane match to manage code signing files for the project.
Run the following command to generate a Matchfile
with the configuration:
fastlane match init
This command prompts you to:
- Choose which storage backend you want to use, you must select
. - Input your project path, for example
Generate and upload certificates
Run the following command to generate certificates and profiles in the Apple Developer portal and upload those files to GitLab:
PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match development
In this example:
must be either a personal or project access token with Maintainer role for the GitLab project. - Replace
with the type of build you want to sign, for exampleappstore
You can view the files in your project’s CI/CD settings as soon as the command completes.
If you have already created signing certificates and provisioning profiles for your project,
you can optionally use fastlane match import
to load your existing files into GitLab:
PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match import
You are prompted to input the path to your files. After you provide those details,
your files are uploaded and visible in your project’s CI/CD settings.
If prompted for the git_url
during the import, it is safe to leave it blank and press enter.
With this configuration in place, you can use fastlane to build and sign the app with the files stored in secure files.
For example:
file:default_platform(:ios) platform :ios do desc "Build and sign the application for development" lane :build do setup_ci match(type: 'development', readonly: is_ci) build_app( project: "ios demo.xcodeproj", scheme: "ios demo", configuration: "Debug", export_method: "development" ) end end
file:build_ios: image: macos-12-xcode-14 stage: build script: - fastlane build tags: - saas-macos-medium-m1
Signed builds can be uploaded to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store by using the Mobile DevOps Distribution integrations.
Android distribution with Google Play integration and fastlane
To create an Android distribution with Google Play integration and fastlane, you must:
- Create a Google service account in Google Cloud Platform and grant that account access to the project in Google Play.
- Enable the Google Play integration.
- Add the release step to your pipeline.
For an overview, see Google Play integration demo.
Enable Google Play Integration
Use the Google Play integration, to configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to the Google Play Console to build and release Android apps. To enable the integration:
- On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
- Select Settings > Integrations.
- Select Google Play.
- In Enable integration, select the Active checkbox.
- In Package name, enter the package name of the app. For example,
. - In Service account key (.JSON) drag or upload your key file.
- Select Save changes.
With the integration enabled, you can use fastlane to distribute a build to Google Play.
For example:
:default_platform(:android) platform :android do desc "Submit a new Beta build to the Google Play store" lane :beta do upload_to_play_store( track: 'internal', aab: 'app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab', release_status: 'draft' ) end end
:beta: image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0 stage: beta script: - fastlane beta
iOS distribution Apple Store integration and fastlane
To create an iOS distribution with the Apple Store integration and fastlane, you must:
- Generate an API Key for App Store Connect API. In the Apple App Store Connect portal, generate a new private key for your project.
- Enable the Apple App Store integration.
- Add the release step to your pipeline and fastlane configuration.
For an overview, see Apple App Store integration demo.
Enable Apple App Store Integration
Use the Apple App Store integration to configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to App Store Connect to build and release apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. To enable the integration:
- On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
- Select Settings > Integrations.
- Select Apple App Store.
- Turn on the Active toggle under Enable Integration.
- Provide the Apple App Store Connect configuration information:
- Issuer ID: You can find the Apple App Store Connect Issuer ID in the Keys section under Users and Access in the Apple App Store Connect portal.
- Key ID: The key ID of the new private key that was just generated.
- Private Key: The private key that was just generated. You can only download this key one time.
- Select Save changes.
With the integration enabled, you can use fastlane to distribute a build to TestFlight and the Apple App Store.
For example:
:default_platform(:ios) platform :ios do desc "Build and sign the application for distribution, upload to TestFlight" lane :beta do setup_ci match(type: 'appstore', readonly: is_ci) app_store_connect_api_key increment_build_number( build_number: latest_testflight_build_number(initial_build_number: 1) + 1, xcodeproj: "ios demo.xcodeproj" ) build_app( project: "ios demo.xcodeproj", scheme: "ios demo", configuration: "Release", export_method: "app-store" ) upload_to_testflight end end
:beta_ios: image: macos-12-xcode-14 stage: beta script: - fastlane beta
Review apps for mobile
You can use review apps to preview changes directly from a merge request. This feature is possible through an integration with
For an overview, see Review apps for mobile setup instructions.
To get started, see the setup instructions.
Mobile SAST
You can use Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to run static analyzers on code to check for known security vulnerabilities. Mobile SAST expands this functionality for mobile teams with an experimental SAST feature based on Mobile Security Framework (MobSF).
Sample Reference Projects
See the sample reference projects below for complete build, sign, and release pipeline examples for various platforms. A list of all available projects can be found in the Mobile DevOps Demo Projects group.
Mobile DevOps Blog
Additional reference material can be found in the #mobile section of the GitLab blog.