Email all tiersself-managed
You can customize some of the content in emails sent from your GitLab instance.
Custom logo
The logo in the header of some emails can be customized, see the logo customization section.
Include author name in email notification email body premiumself-managed
By default, GitLab overrides the email address in notification emails with the email address of the issue, merge request, or comment author. Enable this setting to include the author’s email address in the body of the email instead.
To include the author’s email address in the email body:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Select the Include author name in email notification email body checkbox.
- Select Save changes.
Enable multipart email premiumself-managed
GitLab can send email in multipart format (HTML and plain text) or plain text only.
To enable multipart email:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Select Enable multipart email.
- Select Save changes.
Custom hostname for private commit emails premiumself-managed
Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
This configuration option sets the email hostname for private commit emails.
By default it is set to users.noreply.YOUR_CONFIGURED_HOSTNAME
To change the hostname used in private commit emails:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Enter the desired hostname in the Custom hostname (for private commit emails) field.
- Select Save changes.
Check whether author is a GitLab user
and Check whether committer is the current authenticated user
.Custom additional text premiumself-managed
You can add additional text at the bottom of any email that GitLab sends. This additional text can be used for legal, auditing, or compliance reasons, for example.
To add additional text to emails:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Enter your text in the Additional text field.
- Select Save changes.
User deactivation emails
GitLab sends email notifications to users when their account has been deactivated.
To disable these notifications:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Clear the Enable user deactivation emails checkbox.
- Select Save changes.
Custom additional text in deactivation emails all tiersself-managed
Introduced in GitLab 15.9 with a flag named
. Disabled by default. - Enabled on self-managed and in GitLab 15.9.
.You can add additional text at the bottom of the email that GitLab sends to users when their account is deactivated. This email text is separate from the custom additional text setting.
To add additional text to deactivation emails:
- On the left sidebar, expand the top-most chevron ().
- Select Admin Area.
- Select Settings > Preferences.
- Expand Email.
- Enter your text in the Additional text for deactivation email field.
- Select Save changes.