Broadcast Messages API
all tiers

  • target_access_levels introduced in GitLab 14.8 with a flag named role_targeted_broadcast_messages. Disabled by default.

  • color parameter removed in GitLab 15.6.

Broadcast messages API operates on broadcast messages.

As of GitLab 12.8, GET requests do not require authentication. All other broadcast message API endpoints are accessible only to administrators. Non-GET requests by:

  • Guests result in 401 Unauthorized.
  • Regular users result in 403 Forbidden.

Get all broadcast messages
all tiers

List all broadcast messages.

GET /broadcast_messages

Example request:

curl ""

Example response:

        "message":"Example broadcast message",
        "active": false,
        "target_access_levels": [10,30],
        "target_path": "*/welcome",
        "broadcast_type": "banner",
        "dismissable": false

Get a specific broadcast message
all tiers

Get a specific broadcast message.

GET /broadcast_messages/:id


idintegeryesID of broadcast message to retrieve.

Example request:

curl ""

Example response:

    "message":"Deploy in progress",
    "target_access_levels": [10,30],
    "target_path": "*/welcome",
    "broadcast_type": "banner",
    "dismissable": false

Create a broadcast message

Create a new broadcast message.

POST /broadcast_messages


messagestringyesMessage to display.
starts_atdatetimenoStarting time (defaults to current time in UTC). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z)
ends_atdatetimenoEnding time (defaults to one hour from current time in UTC). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z)
fontstringnoForeground color hex code.
target_access_levelsarray of integersnoTarget access levels (roles) of the broadcast message.
target_pathstringnoTarget path of the broadcast message.
broadcast_typestringnoAppearance type (defaults to banner)
dismissablebooleannoCan the user dismiss the message?

The target_access_levels are defined in the Gitlab::Access module. The following levels are valid:

  • Guest (10)
  • Reporter (20)
  • Developer (30)
  • Maintainer (40)
  • Owner (50)

Example request:

curl --data "message=Deploy in progress&target_access_levels[]=10&target_access_levels[]=30" \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \

Example response:

    "message":"Deploy in progress",
    "active": true,
    "target_access_levels": [10,30],
    "target_path": "*/welcome",
    "broadcast_type": "notification",
    "dismissable": false

Update a broadcast message

Update an existing broadcast message.

PUT /broadcast_messages/:id


idintegeryesID of broadcast message to update.
messagestringnoMessage to display.
starts_atdatetimenoStarting time (UTC). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z)
ends_atdatetimenoEnding time (UTC). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z)
fontstringnoForeground color hex code.
target_access_levelsarray of integersnoTarget access levels (roles) of the broadcast message.
target_pathstringnoTarget path of the broadcast message.
broadcast_typestringnoAppearance type (defaults to banner)
dismissablebooleannoCan the user dismiss the message?

The target_access_levels are defined in the Gitlab::Access module. The following levels are valid:

  • Guest (10)
  • Reporter (20)
  • Developer (30)
  • Maintainer (40)
  • Owner (50)

Example request:

curl --request PUT --data "message=Update message" \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "message":"Update message",
    "active": true,
    "target_access_levels": [10,30],
    "target_path": "*/welcome",
    "broadcast_type": "notification",
    "dismissable": false

Delete a broadcast message

Delete a broadcast message.

DELETE /broadcast_messages/:id


idintegeryesID of broadcast message to delete.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""