Integrations API
all tiers

This API enables you to work with external services that integrate with GitLab.

In GitLab 14.4, the services endpoint was renamed to integrations. Calls to the Integrations API can be made to both /projects/:id/services and /projects/:id/integrations. The examples in this document refer to the endpoint at /projects/:id/integrations.

This API requires an access token with the Maintainer or Owner role.

List all active integrations

Introduced in GitLab 12.7.

Get a list of all active project integrations.

GET /projects/:id/integrations

Example response:

    "id": 75,
    "title": "Jenkins CI",
    "slug": "jenkins",
    "created_at": "2019-11-20T11:20:25.297Z",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-20T12:24:37.498Z",
    "active": true,
    "commit_events": true,
    "push_events": true,
    "issues_events": true,
    "alert_events": true,
    "confidential_issues_events": true,
    "merge_requests_events": true,
    "tag_push_events": false,
    "deployment_events": false,
    "note_events": true,
    "confidential_note_events": true,
    "pipeline_events": true,
    "wiki_page_events": true,
    "job_events": true,
    "comment_on_event_enabled": true
    "id": 76,
    "title": "Alerts endpoint",
    "slug": "alerts",
    "created_at": "2019-11-20T11:20:25.297Z",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-20T12:24:37.498Z",
    "active": true,
    "commit_events": true,
    "push_events": true,
    "issues_events": true,
    "alert_events": true,
    "confidential_issues_events": true,
    "merge_requests_events": true,
    "tag_push_events": true,
    "deployment_events": false,
    "note_events": true,
    "confidential_note_events": true,
    "pipeline_events": true,
    "wiki_page_events": true,
    "job_events": true,
    "comment_on_event_enabled": true

Apple App Store

Use GitLab to build and release an app in the Apple App Store.

See also the Apple App Store integration documentation.

Create/Edit Apple App Store integration

Set Apple App Store integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/apple_app_store


app_store_issuer_idstringtrueThe Apple App Store Connect Issuer ID.
app_store_key_idstringtrueThe Apple App Store Connect Key ID.
app_store_private_keystringtrueThe Apple App Store Connect Private Key.
app_store_protected_refsbooleanfalseSet variables only on protected branches and tags. Defaults to true (enabled).

Disable Apple App Store integration

Disable the Apple App Store integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/apple_app_store

Get Apple App Store integration settings

Get Apple App Store integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/apple_app_store


Add commit messages as comments to Asana tasks.

See also the Asana integration documentation.

Create/Edit Asana integration

Set Asana integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/asana


api_keystringtrueUser API token. User must have access to task. All comments are attributed to this user.
restrict_to_branchstringfalseComma-separated list of branches to be are automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches.

Disable Asana integration

Disable the Asana integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/asana

Get Asana integration settings

Get Asana integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/asana


Project Management Software (Source Commits Endpoint)

Create/Edit Assembla integration

Set Assembla integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/assembla


tokenstringtrueThe authentication token
subdomainstringfalseThe subdomain setting

Disable Assembla integration

Disable the Assembla integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/assembla

Get Assembla integration settings

Get Assembla integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/assembla

Atlassian Bamboo CI

A continuous integration and build server

Create/Edit Atlassian Bamboo CI integration

Set Atlassian Bamboo CI integration for a project.

You must set up automatic revision labeling and a repository trigger in Bamboo.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/bamboo


bamboo_urlstringtrueBamboo root URL. For example,
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseEnable SSL verification. Defaults to true (enabled).
build_keystringtrueBamboo build plan key like KEY
usernamestringtrueA user with API access, if applicable
passwordstringtruePassword of the user

Disable Atlassian Bamboo CI integration

Disable the Atlassian Bamboo CI integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/bamboo

Get Atlassian Bamboo CI integration settings

Get Atlassian Bamboo CI integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/bamboo


Bugzilla Issue Tracker

Create/Edit Bugzilla integration

Set Bugzilla integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/bugzilla


new_issue_urlstringtrueNew Issue URL
issues_urlstringtrueIssue URL
project_urlstringtrueProject URL

Disable Bugzilla integration

Disable the Bugzilla integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/bugzilla

Get Bugzilla integration settings

Get Bugzilla integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/bugzilla


Continuous integration and deployments

Create/Edit Buildkite integration

Set Buildkite integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/buildkite


tokenstringtrueBuildkite project GitLab token
project_urlstringtruePipeline URL. For example,
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseDEPRECATED: This parameter has no effect since SSL verification is always enabled
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events

Disable Buildkite integration

Disable the Buildkite integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/buildkite

Get Buildkite integration settings

Get Buildkite integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/buildkite


Send notifications about push events to Campfire chat rooms. New users can no longer sign up for Campfire.

Create/Edit Campfire integration

Set Campfire integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/campfire


tokenstringtrueCampfire API token. To find it, sign in to Campfire and select My info.
subdomainstringfalseCampfire subdomain. Text between https:// and when you’re logged in.
roomstringfalseCampfire room. The last part of the URL when you’re in a room.

Disable Campfire integration

Disable the Campfire integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/campfire

Get Campfire integration settings

Get Campfire integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/campfire


Introduced in GitLab 16.1.

ClickUp issue tracker.

Create or edit ClickUp integration

Set up ClickUp integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/clickup


issues_urlstringtrueIssue URL
project_urlstringtrueProject URL

Disable ClickUp integration

Disable the ClickUp integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/clickup

Get ClickUp integration settings

Get ClickUp integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/clickup


Datadog system monitoring.

Create/Edit Datadog integration

Set Datadog integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/datadog


api_keystringtrueAPI key used for authentication with Datadog.
api_urlstringfalse(Advanced) The full URL for your Datadog site
datadog_envstringfalseFor self-managed deployments, set the env% tag for all the data sent to Datadog.
datadog_servicestringfalseTag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments
datadog_sitestringfalseThe Datadog site to send data to. To send data to the EU site, use
datadog_tagsstringfalseCustom tags in Datadog. Specify one tag per line in the format: key:value\nkey2:value2 (Introduced in GitLab 14.8.)
archive_trace_eventsbooleanfalseWhen enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces (introduced in GitLab 15.3)

Disable Datadog integration

Disable the Datadog integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/datadog

Get Datadog integration settings

Get Datadog integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/datadog


Telegram chat tool.

Create/Edit Telegram integration

Set the Telegram integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/telegram


tokenstringtrueThe Telegram bot token. For example, 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11.
roomstringtrueUnique identifier for the target chat or the username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
push_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleantrueEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Telegram integration

Disable the Telegram integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/telegram

Get Telegram integration settings

Get Telegram integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/telegram

Unify Circuit

Unify Circuit RTC and collaboration tool.

Create/Edit Unify Circuit integration

Set Unify Circuit integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/unify-circuit


webhookstringtrueThe Unify Circuit webhook. For example,
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Unify Circuit integration

Disable the Unify Circuit integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/unify-circuit

Get Unify Circuit integration settings

Get Unify Circuit integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/unify-circuit


Pumble chat tool.

Create/Edit Pumble integration

Set Pumble integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/pumble


webhookstringtrueThe Pumble webhook. For example,
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default is default.
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events.
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events.
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events.
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events.
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events.
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines.
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events.
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events.
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events.
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events.

Disable Pumble integration

Disable the Pumble integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/pumble

Get Pumble integration settings

Get Pumble integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/pumble

Webex Teams

Webex Teams collaboration tool.

Create/Edit Webex Teams integration

Set Webex Teams integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/webex-teams


webhookstringtrueThe Webex Teams webhook. For example,
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Webex Teams integration

Disable the Webex Teams integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/webex-teams

Get Webex Teams integration settings

Get Webex Teams integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/webex-teams

Custom Issue Tracker

Custom issue tracker

Create/Edit Custom Issue Tracker integration

Set Custom Issue Tracker integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/custom-issue-tracker


new_issue_urlstringtrueNew Issue URL
issues_urlstringtrueIssue URL
project_urlstringtrueProject URL

Disable Custom Issue Tracker integration

Disable the Custom Issue Tracker integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/custom-issue-tracker

Get Custom Issue Tracker integration settings

Get Custom Issue Tracker integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/custom-issue-tracker


Send notifications about project events to a Discord channel.

Create/Edit Discord integration

Set Discord integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/discord


webhookstringtrueDiscord webhook. For example,…
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Discord integration

Disable the Discord integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/discord

Get Discord integration settings

Get Discord integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/discord

Drone CI

Drone is a Continuous Integration platform built on Docker, written in Go

Create/Edit Drone CI integration

Set Drone CI integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/drone-ci


tokenstringtrueDrone CI project specific token
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseEnable SSL verification. Defaults to true (enabled).
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events

Disable Drone CI integration

Disable the Drone CI integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/drone-ci

Get Drone CI integration settings

Get Drone CI integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/drone-ci

Emails on Push

Email the commits and diff of each push to a list of recipients.

Create/Edit Emails on Push integration

Set Emails on Push integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/emails-on-push


recipientsstringtrueEmails separated by whitespace
disable_diffsbooleanfalseDisable code diffs
send_from_committer_emailbooleanfalseSend from committer
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. Notifications are always fired for tag pushes. The default value is “all”

Disable Emails on Push integration

Disable the Emails on Push integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/emails-on-push

Get Emails on Push integration settings

Get Emails on Push integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/emails-on-push

Engineering Workflow Management (EWM)

Use IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) as a project’s issue tracker.

Create/Edit EWM integration

Set EWM integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/ewm


new_issue_urlstringtrueThe URL to create an issue in EWM
project_urlstringtrueThe URL to the project in EWM
issues_urlstringtrueThe URL to view an issue in EWM. Must contain :id

Disable EWM integration

Disable the EWM integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/ewm

Get EWM integration settings

Get EWM integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/ewm

Confluence integration

Introduced in GitLab 13.2.

Replaces the link to the internal wiki with a link to a Confluence Cloud Workspace.

Create/Edit Confluence integration

Set Confluence integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/confluence


confluence_urlstringtrueThe URL of the Confluence Cloud Workspace hosted on

Disable Confluence integration

Disable the Confluence integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/confluence

Get Confluence integration settings

Get Confluence integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/confluence

Shimo integration

Version history

Replaces the link to the internal wiki with a link to a Shimo Workspace.

Create/Edit Shimo integration

Set Shimo integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/shimo


external_wiki_urlstringtrueShimo Workspace URL

Disable Shimo integration

Disable the Shimo integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/shimo

External wiki

Replaces the link to the internal wiki with a link to an external wiki.

Create/Edit External wiki integration

Set External wiki integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/external-wiki


external_wiki_urlstringtrueThe URL of the external wiki

Disable External wiki integration

Disable the External wiki integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/external-wiki

Get External wiki integration settings

Get External wiki integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/external-wiki


Code collaboration software.

Create/Edit GitHub integration

Set GitHub integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/github


tokenstringtrueGitHub API token with repo:status OAuth scope
repository_urlstringtrueGitHub repository URL
static_contextbooleanfalseAppend instance name instead of branch to status check name

Disable GitHub integration

Disable the GitHub integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/github

Get GitHub integration settings

Get GitHub integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/github

Hangouts Chat

Google Workspace team collaboration tool.

Create/Edit Hangouts Chat integration

Set Hangouts Chat integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/hangouts-chat


webhookstringtrueThe Hangouts Chat webhook. For example,
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
notify_only_default_branchbooleanfalseDEPRECATED: This parameter has been replaced with branches_to_be_notified
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Hangouts Chat integration

Disable the Hangouts Chat integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/hangouts-chat

Get Hangouts Chat integration settings

Get Hangouts Chat integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/hangouts-chat

Irker (IRC gateway)

Send IRC messages, on update, to a list of recipients through an irker gateway.

For more information, see the irker integration documentation.

Create/Edit Irker (IRC gateway) integration

Set Irker (IRC gateway) integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/irker


recipientsstringtrueRecipients/channels separated by whitespaces
colorize_messagesbooleanfalseColorize messages

Disable Irker (IRC gateway) integration

Disable the Irker (IRC gateway) integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/irker

Get Irker (IRC gateway) integration settings

Get Irker (IRC gateway) integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/irker


Jira issue tracker.

Get Jira integration settings

Get Jira integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/jira

Create/Edit Jira integration

Set Jira integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/jira


urlstringyesThe URL to the Jira project which is being linked to this GitLab project. For example,
api_urlstringnoThe base URL to the Jira instance API. Web URL value is used if not set. For example,
usernamestringnoThe email or username to be used with Jira. For Jira Cloud use an email, for Jira Data Center and Jira Server use a username. Required when using Basic authentication (jira_auth_type is 0)
passwordstringyesThe Jira API token, password, or personal access token to be used with Jira. When your authentication method is Basic (jira_auth_type is 0) use an API token for Jira Cloud, or a password for Jira Data Center or Jira Server. When your authentication method is Jira personal access token (jira_auth_type is 1) use a personal access token.
activebooleannoActivates or deactivates the integration. Defaults to false (deactivated).
jira_auth_typeintegernoThe authentication method to be used with Jira. 0 means Basic Authentication. 1 means Jira personal access token. Defaults to 0.
jira_issue_prefixstringnoPrefix to match Jira issue keys.
jira_issue_regexstringnoRegular expression to match Jira issue keys.
jira_issue_transition_automaticbooleannoEnable automatic issue transitions. Takes precedence over jira_issue_transition_id if enabled. Defaults to false
jira_issue_transition_idstringnoThe ID of one or more transitions for custom issue transitions. Ignored if jira_issue_transition_automatic is enabled. Defaults to a blank string, which disables custom transitions.
commit_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for commit events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
comment_on_event_enabledbooleanfalseEnable comments inside Jira issues on each GitLab event (commit / merge request)

Disable Jira integration

Disable the Jira integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/jira

Slack Slash Commands

Ability to receive slash commands from a Slack chat instance.

Get Slack Slash Command integration settings

Get Slack Slash Command integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/slack-slash-commands

Example response:

  "id": 4,
  "title": "Slack slash commands",
  "slug": "slack-slash-commands",
  "created_at": "2017-06-27T05:51:39-07:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-06-27T05:51:39-07:00",
  "active": true,
  "push_events": true,
  "issues_events": true,
  "confidential_issues_events": true,
  "merge_requests_events": true,
  "tag_push_events": true,
  "note_events": true,
  "job_events": true,
  "pipeline_events": true,
  "comment_on_event_enabled": false,
  "properties": {
    "token": "<your_access_token>"

Create/Edit Slack Slash Commands integration

Set Slack Slash Command for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/slack-slash-commands


tokenstringyesThe Slack token

Disable Slack Slash Command integration

Disable the Slack Slash Command integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/slack-slash-commands

Mattermost Slash Commands

Ability to receive slash commands from a Mattermost chat instance.

Get Mattermost Slash Command integration settings

Get Mattermost Slash Command integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost-slash-commands

Create/Edit Mattermost Slash Command integration

Set Mattermost Slash Command for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost-slash-commands


tokenstringyesThe Mattermost token

Disable Mattermost Slash Command integration

Disable the Mattermost Slash Command integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost-slash-commands


Update your project on Packagist (the main Composer repository) when commits or tags are pushed to GitLab.

Create/Edit Packagist integration

Set Packagist integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/packagist


usernamestringyesThe username of a Packagist account
tokenstringyesAPI token to the Packagist server
serverbooleannoURL of the Packagist server. Leave blank for default:
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events

Disable Packagist integration

Disable the Packagist integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/packagist

Get Packagist integration settings

Get Packagist integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/packagist


Get emails for GitLab CI/CD pipelines.

Create/Edit Pipeline-Emails integration

Set Pipeline-Emails integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/pipelines-email


recipientsstringyesComma-separated list of recipient email addresses
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleannoNotify only broken pipelines
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
notify_only_default_branchbooleannoSend notifications only for the default branch (introduced in GitLab 12.0)
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events

Disable Pipeline-Emails integration

Disable the Pipeline-Emails integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/pipelines-email

Get Pipeline-Emails integration settings

Get Pipeline-Emails integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/pipelines-email

Pivotal Tracker

Add commit messages as comments to Pivotal Tracker stories.

See also the Pivotal Tracker integration documentation.

Create/Edit Pivotal Tracker integration

Set Pivotal Tracker integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/pivotaltracker


tokenstringtrueThe Pivotal Tracker token
restrict_to_branchbooleanfalseComma-separated list of branches to automatically inspect. Leave blank to include all branches.

Disable Pivotal Tracker integration

Disable the Pivotal Tracker integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/pivotaltracker

Get Pivotal Tracker integration settings

Get Pivotal Tracker integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/pivotaltracker


Prometheus is a powerful time-series monitoring service.

Create/Edit Prometheus integration

Set Prometheus integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/prometheus


api_urlstringtruePrometheus API Base URL. For example,
google_iap_audience_client_idstringfalseClient ID of the IAP secured resource (looks like
google_iap_service_account_jsonstringfalse credentials.json file for your service account, like { "type": "service_account", "project_id": ... }

Disable Prometheus integration

Disable the Prometheus integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/prometheus

Get Prometheus integration settings

Get Prometheus integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/prometheus


Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android device, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop.

Create/Edit Pushover integration

Set Pushover integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/pushover


api_keystringtrueYour application key
user_keystringtrueYour user key
prioritystringtrueThe priority
devicestringfalseLeave blank for all active devices
soundstringfalseThe sound of the notification

Disable Pushover integration

Disable the Pushover integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/pushover

Get Pushover integration settings

Get Pushover integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/pushover


Redmine issue tracker

Create/Edit Redmine integration

Set Redmine integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/redmine


new_issue_urlstringtrueNew Issue URL
project_urlstringtrueProject URL
issues_urlstringtrueIssue URL

Disable Redmine integration

Disable the Redmine integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/redmine

Get Redmine integration settings

Get Redmine integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/redmine

Slack notifications

Receive event notifications in Slack

Create/Edit Slack integration

Set Slack integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/slack


channelstringfalseDefault channel to use if others are not configured
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
notify_only_default_branchbooleanfalseDEPRECATED: This parameter has been replaced with branches_to_be_notified
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
alert_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive alert events notifications
alert_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for alert events
commit_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for commit events
confidential_issue_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive confidential issues events notifications
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
confidential_note_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive confidential note events notifications
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
deployment_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive deployment events notifications
deployment_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for deployment events
incident_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive incidents events notifications
incidents_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for incident events
issue_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive issues events notifications
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
job_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for job events
merge_request_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive merge request events notifications
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
note_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive note events notifications
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
pipeline_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive pipeline events notifications
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
push_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive push events notifications
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
tag_push_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive tag push events notifications
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
wiki_page_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive wiki page events notifications
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Slack integration

Disable the Slack integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/slack

Get Slack integration settings

Get Slack integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/slack

Microsoft Teams

Group Chat Software

Create/Edit Microsoft Teams integration

Set Microsoft Teams integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/microsoft-teams


webhookstringtrueThe Microsoft Teams webhook. For example,
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
notify_only_default_branchbooleanfalseDEPRECATED: This parameter has been replaced with branches_to_be_notified
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events

Disable Microsoft Teams integration

Disable the Microsoft Teams integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/microsoft-teams

Get Microsoft Teams integration settings

Get Microsoft Teams integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/microsoft-teams

Mattermost notifications

Receive event notifications in Mattermost

Create/Edit Mattermost notifications integration

Set Mattermost notifications integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost


webhookstringtrueThe Mattermost webhook. For example, http://mattermost_host/hooks/...
channelstringfalseDefault channel to use if others are not configured
notify_only_broken_pipelinesbooleanfalseSend notifications for broken pipelines
notify_only_default_branchbooleanfalseDEPRECATED: This parameter has been replaced with branches_to_be_notified
branches_to_be_notifiedstringfalseBranches to send notifications for. Valid options are all, default, protected, and default_and_protected. The default value is “default”
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for issue events
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential issue events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events
note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for note events
confidential_note_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for confidential note events
pipeline_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for pipeline events
wiki_page_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for wiki page events
push_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive push events notifications
issue_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive issues events notifications
confidential_issue_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive confidential issues events notifications
merge_request_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive merge request events notifications
note_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive note events notifications
confidential_note_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive confidential note events notifications
tag_push_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive tag push events notifications
pipeline_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive pipeline events notifications
wiki_page_channelstringfalseThe name of the channel to receive wiki page events notifications

Disable Mattermost notifications integration

Disable the Mattermost notifications integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost

Get Mattermost notifications integration settings

Get Mattermost notifications integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/mattermost

JetBrains TeamCity CI

A continuous integration and build server

Create/Edit JetBrains TeamCity CI integration

Set JetBrains TeamCity CI integration for a project.

The build configuration in TeamCity must use the build format number %build.vcs.number%. Configure monitoring of all branches so merge requests build. That setting is in the VSC root advanced settings.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/teamcity


teamcity_urlstringtrueTeamCity root URL. For example,
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseEnable SSL verification. Defaults to true (enabled).
build_typestringtrueBuild configuration ID
usernamestringtrueA user with permissions to trigger a manual build
passwordstringtrueThe password of the user
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events

Disable JetBrains TeamCity CI integration

Disable the JetBrains TeamCity CI integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/teamcity

Get JetBrains TeamCity CI integration settings

Get JetBrains TeamCity CI integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/teamcity

Jenkins CI

A continuous integration and build server

Create/Edit Jenkins CI integration

Set Jenkins CI integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins


jenkins_urlstringtrueJenkins URL like
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseEnable SSL verification. Defaults to true (enabled).
project_namestringtrueThe URL-friendly project name. Example: my_project_name.
usernamestringfalseUsername for authentication with the Jenkins server, if authentication is required by the server.
passwordstringfalsePassword for authentication with the Jenkins server, if authentication is required by the server.
push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for push events.
merge_requests_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for merge request events.
tag_push_eventsbooleanfalseEnable notifications for tag push events.

Disable Jenkins CI integration

Disable the Jenkins CI integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins

Get Jenkins CI integration settings

Get Jenkins CI integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins

Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration

A continuous integration and build server

This integration was removed in GitLab 13.0.

Create/Edit Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration

Set Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins-deprecated


  • project_url (required) - Jenkins project URL like
  • multiproject_enabled (optional) - Multi-project mode is configured in Jenkins GitLab Hook plugin
  • pass_unstable (optional) - Unstable builds are treated as passing

Disable Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration

Disable the Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins-deprecated

Get Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration settings

Get Jenkins CI (Deprecated) integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/jenkins-deprecated


Mock an external CI. See gitlab-org/gitlab-mock-ci-service for an example of a companion mock integration.

This integration is only available when your environment is set to development.

Create/Edit MockCI integration

Set MockCI integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/mock-ci


enable_ssl_verificationbooleanfalseEnable SSL verification. Defaults to true (enabled).

Disable MockCI integration

Disable the MockCI integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/mock-ci

Get MockCI integration settings

Get MockCI integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/mock-ci

Squash TM

Introduced in GitLab 15.10.

Update Squash TM requirements when GitLab issues are modified.

Create/Edit Squash TM integration

Set Squash TM integration settings for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/squash-tm


urlstringyesURL of the Squash TM webhook.
tokenstringnoOptional token

Disable Squash TM integration

Disable the Squash TM integration for a project. Integration settings are preserved.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/squash-tm

Get Squash TM integration settings

Get Squash TM integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/squash-tm


YouTrack issue tracker

Create/Edit YouTrack integration

Set YouTrack integration for a project.

PUT /projects/:id/integrations/youtrack


issues_urlstringtrueIssue URL
project_urlstringtrueProject URL

Disable YouTrack integration

Disable the YouTrack integration for a project. Integration settings are reset.

DELETE /projects/:id/integrations/youtrack

Get YouTrack integration settings

Get YouTrack integration settings for a project.

GET /projects/:id/integrations/youtrack