Mattermost notifications all tiers
Use the Mattermost notifications integration to send notifications for GitLab events
(for example, issue created
) to Mattermost. You must configure both Mattermost
and GitLab.
You can also use Mattermost slash commands to control GitLab inside Mattermost.
Configure Mattermost to receive GitLab notifications
To use the Mattermost integration you must create an incoming webhook integration in Mattermost:
- Sign in to your Mattermost instance.
- Enable incoming webhooks.
- Add an incoming webhook.
- Choose a display name, description and channel, those can be overridden on GitLab.
- Save it and copy the Webhook URL because we need this later for GitLab.
Incoming Webhooks might be blocked on your Mattermost instance. Ask your Mattermost administrator to enable it on:
- Mattermost System Console > Integrations > Integration Management in Mattermost versions 5.12 and later.
- Mattermost System Console > Integrations > Custom Integrations in Mattermost versions 5.11 and earlier.
Display name override is not enabled by default, you need to ask your administrator to enable it on that same section.
Configure GitLab to send notifications to Mattermost
Changed in GitLab 15.9 to limit Mattermost channels to 10 per event.
After the Mattermost instance has an incoming webhook set up, you can set up GitLab to send the notifications:
- On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
- Select Settings > Integrations.
- Select Mattermost notifications.
- Select the GitLab events to generate notifications for. For each event you select, input the Mattermost channel
to receive the notification. You do not need to add the hash sign (
). -
Fill in the integration configuration:
Webhook: The incoming webhook URL on Mattermost, similar to
. - Username: Optional. The username shown in messages sent to Mattermost. To change the bot’s username, provide a value.
- Notify only broken pipelines: If you enable the Pipeline event, and you want notifications about failed pipelines only.
- Branches for which notifications are to be sent: The branches to send notifications for.
- Labels to be notified: Optional. Labels required for the issue or merge request to trigger a notification. Leave blank to notify for all issues and merge requests.
- Labels to be notified behavior: When you use the Labels to be notified filter, messages are sent when an issue or merge request contains any of the labels specified in the filter. You can also choose to trigger messages only when the issue or merge request contains all the labels defined in the filter.
Webhook: The incoming webhook URL on Mattermost, similar to