Composer API
all tiers

This is the API documentation for Composer Packages.

This API is used by the Composer package manager client and is generally not meant for manual consumption.

For instructions on how to upload and install Composer packages from the GitLab package registry, see the Composer package registry documentation.

These endpoints do not adhere to the standard API authentication methods. See the Composer package registry documentation for details on which headers and token types are supported. Undocumented authentication methods might be removed in the future.

Base repository request

Returns the repository URL templates for requesting individual packages:

GET group/:id/-/packages/composer/packages
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> ""

Example response:

  "packages": [],
  "metadata-url": "/api/v4/group/1/-/packages/composer/p2/%package%.json",
  "provider-includes": {
    "p/%hash%.json": {
      "sha256": "082df4a5035f8725a12i4a3d2da5e6aaa966d06843d0a5c6d499313810427bd6"
  "providers-url": "/api/v4/group/1/-/packages/composer/%package%$%hash%.json"

This endpoint is used by Composer V1 and V2. To see the V2-specific response, include the Composer User-Agent header. Using Composer V2 is recommended over V1.

curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> \
     --header "User-Agent: Composer/2" \

Example response:

  "packages": [],
  "metadata-url": "/api/v4/group/1/-/packages/composer/p2/%package%.json"

V1 packages list

Given the V1 provider SHA, returns a list of packages in the repository. Using Composer V2 is recommended over V1.

GET group/:id/-/packages/composer/p/:sha
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
shastringyesThe provider SHA, provided by the Composer base request.
curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> ""

Example response:

  "providers": {
    "my-org/my-composer-package": {
      "sha256": "5c873497cdaa82eda35af5de24b789be92dfb6510baf117c42f03899c166b6e7"

V1 Package Metadata

Returns the list of versions and metadata for a given package. Using Composer V2 is recommended over V1.

GET group/:id/-/packages/composer/:package_name$:sha

Note the $ symbol in the URL. When making requests, you may need the URL-encoded version of the symbol %24. Refer to the example after the table:

idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
package_namestringyesThe name of the package.
shastringyesThe SHA digest of the package, provided by the V1 packages list.
curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> ""

Example response:

  "packages": {
    "my-org/my-composer-package": {
      "1.0.0": {
        "name": "my-org/my-composer-package",
        "type": "library",
        "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "673594f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab",
          "shasum": ""
        "source": {
          "type": "git",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "673594f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab"
        "uid": 1234567
      "2.0.0": {
        "name": "my-org/my-composer-package",
        "type": "library",
        "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "445394f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab",
          "shasum": ""
        "source": {
          "type": "git",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "445394f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab"
        "uid": 1234567

V2 Package Metadata

Returns the list of versions and metadata for a given package:

GET group/:id/-/packages/composer/p2/:package_name
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
package_namestringyesThe name of the package.
curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> ""

Example response:

  "packages": {
    "my-org/my-composer-package": {
      "1.0.0": {
        "name": "my-org/my-composer-package",
        "type": "library",
        "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "673594f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab",
          "shasum": ""
        "source": {
          "type": "git",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "673594f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab"
        "uid": 1234567
      "2.0.0": {
        "name": "my-org/my-composer-package",
        "type": "library",
        "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "445394f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab",
          "shasum": ""
        "source": {
          "type": "git",
          "url": "",
          "reference": "445394f85a55fe3c0eb45df7bd2fa9d95a1601ab"
        "uid": 1234567

Create a package

Create a Composer package from a Git tag or branch:

POST projects/:id/packages/composer
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
tagstringnoThe name of the tag to target for the package.
branchstringnoThe name of the branch to target for the package.
curl --request POST --user <username>:<personal_access_token> \
     --data tag=v1.0.0 ""

Example response:

  "message": "201 Created"

Download a package archive

Authorization for this endpoint was introduced in GitLab 14.10.

Download a Composer package. This URL is provided in the v1 or v2 package metadata response. A .zip file extension must be in the request.

GET projects/:id/packages/composer/archives/:package_name
idstringyesThe ID or full path of the group.
package_namestringyesThe name of the package.
shastringyesThe target SHA of the requested package version.
curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> ""

Write the output to file:

curl --user <username>:<personal_access_token> "" >> package.tar.gz

This writes the downloaded file to package.tar.gz in the current directory.

This endpoint requires authorization in GitLab 14.10 and later. In GitLab 14.9 and earlier, it was publicly accessible.