Where variables can be used
all tiers

As it’s described in the CI/CD variables documentation, you can define many different variables. Some of them can be used for all GitLab CI/CD features, but some of them are more or less limited.

This document describes where and how the different types of variables can be used.

Variables usage

There are two places defined variables can be used. On the:

  1. GitLab side, in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.
  2. The GitLab Runner side, in config.toml.

.gitlab-ci.yml file

DefinitionCan be expanded?Expansion placeDescription
after_scriptyesScript execution shellThe variable expansion is made by the execution shell environment.
artifacts:nameyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s shell environment.
before_scriptyesScript execution shellThe variable expansion is made by the execution shell environment
cache:keyyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
cache:policyyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
environment:nameyesGitLabSimilar to environment:url, but the variables expansion doesn’t support the following:

- CI_ENVIRONMENT_* variables.
- Persisted variables.
environment:urlyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.

Supported are all variables defined for a job (project/group variables, variables from .gitlab-ci.yml, variables from triggers, variables from pipeline schedules).

Not supported are variables defined in the GitLab Runner config.toml and variables created in the job’s script.
environment:auto_stop_inyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.

The value of the variable being substituted should be a period of time in a human readable natural language form. See possible inputs for more information.
except:variablesnoNot applicableThe variable must be in the form of $variable. Not supported are the following:

- CI_ENVIRONMENT_* variables, except CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME which is supported.
- Persisted variables.
id_tokens:audyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab. Variable expansion introduced in GitLab 16.1.
imageyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
includeyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.

See Use variables with include for more information on supported variables.
only:variablesnoNot applicableThe variable must be in the form of $variable. Not supported are the following:

- CI_ENVIRONMENT_* variables, except CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME which is supported.
- Persisted variables.
resource_groupyesGitLabSimilar to environment:url, but the variables expansion doesn’t support the following:
- Persisted variables.
rules:changesyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.
rules:existsyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.
rules:ifnoNot applicableThe variable must be in the form of $variable. Not supported are the following:

- CI_ENVIRONMENT_* variables, except CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME which is supported.
- Persisted variables.
scriptyesScript execution shellThe variable expansion is made by the execution shell environment.
services:nameyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
servicesyesRunnerThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
tagsyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab. Introduced in GitLab 14.1.
trigger and trigger:projectyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab. Variable expansion for trigger:project introduced in GitLab 15.3.
variablesyesGitLab/RunnerThe variable expansion is first made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab, and then any unrecognized or unavailable variables are expanded by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism.
workflow:nameyesGitLabThe variable expansion is made by the internal variable expansion mechanism in GitLab.

Supported are all variables available in workflow:
- Project/Group variables.
- Global variables and workflow:rules:variables (when matching the rule).
- Variables inherited from parent pipelines.
- Variables from triggers.
- Variables from pipeline schedules.

Not supported are variables defined in the GitLab Runner config.toml, variables defined in jobs, or Persisted variables.

config.toml file

DefinitionCan be expanded?Description
runners.environmentyesThe variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism
runners.kubernetes.pod_labelsyesThe Variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism
runners.kubernetes.pod_annotationsyesThe Variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner’s internal variable expansion mechanism

You can read more about config.toml in the GitLab Runner docs.

Expansion mechanisms

There are three expansion mechanisms:

  • GitLab
  • GitLab Runner
  • Execution shell environment

GitLab internal variable expansion mechanism

The expanded part needs to be in a form of $variable, or ${variable} or %variable%. Each form is handled in the same way, no matter which OS/shell handles the job, because the expansion is done in GitLab before any runner gets the job.

Nested variable expansion

GitLab expands job variable values recursively before sending them to the runner. For example, in the following scenario:


The runner receives a valid, fully-formed path. For example, if ${CI_BUILDS_DIR} is /output, then PACKAGE_PATH would be /output/out/pkg.

References to unavailable variables are left intact. In this case, the runner attempts to expand the variable value at runtime. For example, a variable like CI_BUILDS_DIR is known by the runner only at runtime.

GitLab Runner internal variable expansion mechanism

  • Supported: project/group variables, .gitlab-ci.yml variables, config.toml variables, and variables from triggers, pipeline schedules, and manual pipelines.
  • Not supported: variables defined inside of scripts (for example, export MY_VARIABLE="test").

The runner uses Go’s os.Expand() method for variable expansion. It means that it handles only variables defined as $variable and ${variable}. What’s also important, is that the expansion is done only once, so nested variables may or may not work, depending on the ordering of variables definitions, and whether nested variable expansion is enabled in GitLab.

Execution shell environment

This is an expansion phase that takes place during the script execution. Its behavior depends on the shell used (bash, sh, cmd, PowerShell). For example, if the job’s script contains a line echo $MY_VARIABLE-${MY_VARIABLE_2}, it should be properly handled by bash/sh (leaving empty strings or some values depending whether the variables were defined or not), but don’t work with Windows’ cmd or PowerShell, since these shells use a different variables syntax.


  • The script may use all available variables that are default for the shell (for example, $PATH which should be present in all bash/sh shells) and all variables defined by GitLab CI/CD (project/group variables, .gitlab-ci.yml variables, config.toml variables, and variables from triggers and pipeline schedules).
  • The script may also use all variables defined in the lines before. So, for example, if you define a variable export MY_VARIABLE="test":
    • In before_script, it works in the subsequent lines of before_script and all lines of the related script.
    • In script, it works in the subsequent lines of script.
    • In after_script, it works in subsequent lines of after_script.

In the case of after_script scripts, they can:

  • Only use variables defined before the script within the same after_script section.
  • Not use variables defined in before_script and script.

These restrictions exist because after_script scripts are executed in a separated shell context.

Persisted variables

Some predefined variables are called “persisted”.

Pipeline-level persisted variables:


Job-level persisted variables:


Persisted variables are:

Pipeline trigger jobs cannot use job-level persisted variables, but can use pipeline-level persisted variables.

Some of the persisted variables contain tokens and cannot be used by some definitions due to security reasons.

Variables with an environment scope

Variables defined with an environment scope are supported. Given that there is a variable $STAGING_SECRET defined in a scope of review/staging/*, the following job that is using dynamic environments is created, based on the matching variable expression:

  stage: staging
    name: review/$CI_JOB_STAGE/deploy
    - 'deploy staging'
    - if: $STAGING_SECRET == 'something'