Tutorial: Scan a Docker container for vulnerabilities
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You can use container scanning to check for vulnerabilities in container images stored in the container registry.

Container scanning configuration is added to the pipeline configuration of a project. In this tutorial, you:

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Add a Dockerfile file to the project. This Dockerfile contains minimal configuration required to create a Docker image.
  3. Create pipeline configuration for the new project to create a Docker image from the Dockerfile, build and push a Docker image to the container registry, and then scan the Docker image for vulnerabilities.
  4. Check for reported vulnerabilities.
  5. Update the Docker image and scan the updated image.

Create a new project

To create the new project

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Create new () and New project/repository.
  2. Select Create blank project.
  3. In Project name, enter Tutorial container scanning project.
  4. In Project URL, select a namespace for the project.
  5. Select Create project.

Add a Dockerfile to new project

To provide something for container scanning to work on, create a Dockerfile with very minimal configuration:

  1. In your Tutorial container scanning project project, select > New file.
  2. Enter the filename Dockerfile, and provide the following contents for the file:

    FROM hello-world:latest

Docker images created from this Dockerfile are based on hello-world Docker image.

  1. Select Commit changes.

Create pipeline configuration

Now you’re ready to create pipeline configuration. The pipeline configuration:

  1. Builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile file, and pushes the Docker image to the container registry. The build-image job uses Docker-in-Docker as a CI/CD service to build the Docker image. You can also use kaniko to build Docker images in a pipeline.
  2. Includes the Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml template, to scan the Docker image stored in the container registry.

To create the pipeline configuration:

  1. In the root directory of your project, select > New file.
  2. Enter the filename .gitlab-ci.yml, and provide the following contents for the file:

      - template: Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
        CS_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/tutorial-image
      image: docker:24.0.2
      stage: build
        - docker:24.0.2-dind
        - docker build --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/tutorial-image --file Dockerfile .
        - docker login --username gitlab-ci-token --password $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
        - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/tutorial-image
  3. Select Commit changes.

You’re almost done. After you commit the file, a new pipeline starts with this configuration. When it’s finished, you can check the results of the scan.

Check for reported vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities for a scan are located on the pipeline that ran the scan. To check for reported vulnerabilities:

  1. Select CI/CD > Pipelines and select the most recent pipeline. This pipeline should consist of a job called container_scanning in the test stage.
  2. If the container_scanning job was successful, select the Security tab. If any vulnerabilities were found, they are listed on that page.

Update the Docker image

A Docker image based on hello-world:latest is unlikely to show any vulnerabilities. For an example of a scan that reports vulnerabilities:

  1. In the root directory of your project, select the existing Dockerfile file.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Replace FROM hello-world:latest with a different Docker image for the FROM instruction. The best Docker images to demonstrate container scanning have:
    • Operating system packages. For example, from Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, or Red Hat.
    • Programming language packages. For example, NPM packages or Python packages.
  4. Select Commit changes.

After you commit changes to the file, a new pipeline starts with this updated Dockerfile. When it’s finished, you can check the results of the new scan.