Tutorial: Build a protected workflow for your project
all tiers

When your team starts a new project, they need a workflow that balances efficiency with appropriate reviews. In GitLab, you can create user groups, combine those groups with branch protections, and then enforce those protections with approval rules.

This tutorial sets up protections for Excelsior Project’s 1.x and 1.x.x release branches, and creates a minimal approval workflow for the project:

  1. Create the engineering group
  2. Create subgroups in engineering
  3. Add users to the subgroups
  4. Create the Excelsior project
  5. Add a basic CODEOWNERS file
  6. Configure approval rules
  7. Enforce CODEOWNER approval on branches
  8. Create the release branches


  • You must have the Maintainer or Owner role.
  • You need a list of managers and their email addresses.
  • You need a list of your backend and frontend engineers, and their email addresses.
  • You understand semantic versioning for branch names.

Create the engineering group

Before setting up Excelsior Project, you should create a group to own the project. Here, you’ll set up the Engineering group:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Create new… () and New group.
  2. Select Create group.
  3. For Group name, enter Engineering.
  4. For the Group URL, enter engineering.
  5. Set the Visibility level to Private.
  6. Personalize your experience so GitLab shows the most helpful information to you:
    • For Role, select System administrator.
    • For Who will be using this group? select My company or team.
    • For What will you use this group for? select I want to store my code.
  7. Skip inviting members to the group. You’ll add users in a later section of this tutorial.
  8. Select Create group.

Next, you’ll add subgroups to this engineering group for more granular control.

Create subgroups in engineering

The engineering group is a good start, but Excelsior Project’s backend engineers, frontend engineers, and managers have different tasks, and different areas of specialty.

Here, you’ll create three more granular subgroups in the Engineering group to segment users by the type of work they do: managers, frontend, and backend. Then you’ll add these new groups as members of the engineering group.

First, create the new subgroup:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () and search for engineering. Select the group named Engineering:

    The engineering group in search results

  2. On the overview page for the engineering group, in the upper-right corner, select New subgroup.
  3. For the Subgroup name, enter Managers.
  4. Set the Visibility level to Private.
  5. Select Create subgroup.

Next, add the subgroup as a member of the engineering group:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () and search for engineering. Select the group named Engineering.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Manage > Members.
  3. On the top right, select Invite a group.
  4. For Select a group to invite, select Engineering / Managers.
  5. When adding the subgroups select the role Maintainer. This configures the highest role a member of the subgroup can inherit when accessing the engineering group and its projects.
  6. Optional. Select an expiration date.
  7. Select Invite.

Repeat this process to create subgroups for backend and frontend. When you’re done, search for the engineering group one more time. Its overview page should show three subgroups, like this:

The engineering group has three subgroups

Add users to the subgroups

In the previous step, when you added your subgroups to the parent group (engineering), you limited members of the subgroups to the Maintainer role. This is the highest role they can inherit for projects owned by engineering. As a result:

  • User 1 is added to the manager subgroup with the Guest role, and receives the Guest role on engineering projects.
  • User 2 is added to the manager group with the Owner role. This role is higher than the maximum role (Maintainer) you set, so User 2 receives the Maintainer role instead of Owner.

To add a user to the frontend subgroup:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () and search for frontend. Select the Frontend group.
  2. Select Manage > Members.
  3. Select Invite members.
  4. Fill in the fields. Select the Developer role by default, increasing it to Maintainer if this user reviews the work of others.
  5. Select Invite.
  6. Repeat these steps until you’ve added all of the frontend engineers into the frontend subgroup.

Now do the same with the backend and managers groups. The same user can be a member of multiple subgroups.

Create the Excelsior project

Now that your group structure is in place, create the excelsior project for the teams to work in. Because both frontend and backend engineers are involved, excelsior should belong to engineering instead of any of the smaller subgroups you just created.

To create the new excelsior project:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () and search for engineering. Select the group named Engineering.
  2. On the overview page for the engineering group, on the left sidebar, at the top, select Create new… () and In this group > New project/repository.
  3. Select Create blank project.
  4. Enter the project details:
    • In the Project name field, enter Excelsior. The Project slug should auto-populate with excelsior.
    • For Visibility Level, select Public.
    • Select Initialize repository with a README to add an initial file to the repository.
  5. Select Create project.

GitLab creates the excelsior project for you, and redirects you to its homepage. It should look like this:

Your new, almost-empty excelsior project

You’ll use a feature on this page in the next step.

Add a basic CODEOWNERS file

Add a CODEOWNERS file to the root directory of your project to route reviews to the right subgroup. This example sets up four rules:

  • All changes should be reviewed by someone in the engineering group.
  • A manager should review any change to the CODEOWNERS file itself.
  • Frontend engineers should review changes to frontend files.
  • Backend engineers should review changes to backend files.
GitLab Free supports only optional reviews. To make reviews required, you need GitLab Premium or Ultimate.

To add a CODEOWNERS file to your excelsior project:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () and search for Excelsior. Select the project named Excelsior.
  2. Next to the branch name, select the plus icon (), then New file: Create a new file in the project
  3. For Filename, enter CODEOWNERS. This will create a file named CODEOWNERS in the root directory of your project.
  4. Paste this example into the editing area, changing @engineering/ if it does not match your group structure:

    # All changes should be reviewed by someone in the engineering group
    * @engineering
    # A manager should review any changes to this file
    CODEOWNERS @engineering/managers
    # Frontend files should be reviewed by FE engineers
    [Frontend] @engineering/frontend
    # Backend files should be reviewed by BE engineers
    [Backend] @engineering/backend
  5. For a Commit message, paste in:

    Adds a new CODEOWNERS file
    Creates a small CODEOWNERS file to:
    - Route backend and frontend changes to the right teams
    - Route CODEOWNERS file changes to managers
    - Request all changes be reviewed
  6. Select Commit changes.

The CODEOWNERS file is now in place in the main branch of your project, and available for all future branches created in this project.

Configure approval rules

The CODEOWNERS file describes the appropriate reviewers for directories and file types. Approval rules direct merge requests to those reviewers. Here, you will set up an approval rule that uses the information in your new CODEOWNERS file and adds protection for release branches:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Merge requests.
  2. In the Merge request approvals section, scroll to Approval rules.
  3. Select Add approval rule.
  4. Create a rule named Enforce CODEOWNERS.
  5. Select All protected branches.
  6. To make the rule required in GitLab Premium and GitLab Ultimate, set the Approvals required to 1.
  7. Add the managers group as approvers.
  8. Select Add approval rule.
  9. Scroll to Approval settings and make sure Prevent editing approval rules in merge requests is selected.
  10. Select Save changes.

When added, the Enforce CODEOWNERS rule looks like this:

New approval rule in place

Enforce CODEOWNER approval on branches

You’ve configured several protections for your project, and you’re now ready to combine those protections together to safeguard your project’s important branches:

  • Your users are sorted into logical groups and subgroups.
  • Your CODEOWNERS file describes the subject matter experts for file types and directories.
  • Your approval rule encourages (in GitLab Free) or requires (in GitLab Premium and GitLab Ultimate) the subject matter experts to review changes.

Your excelsior project uses semantic versioning for release branch names, so you know the release branches follow the pattern 1.x and 1.x.x. You want all code added to these branches to be reviewed by subject matter experts, and for managers to make the final decision on what work is merged into the release branch.

Rather than create protections for a branch at a time, configure wildcard branch rules to protect multiple branches:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository.
  2. Expand Protected branches.
  3. From the Branch dropdown list, type 1.*, and then select Create wildcard 1.*.
  4. To require everyone to submit merge requests, rather than pushing commits directly:
    1. Set Allowed to merge to Maintainers.
    2. Set Allowed to push and merge to No one.
    3. Leave Allowed to force push disabled.
  5. In GitLab Premium and GitLab Ultimate, to require Code Owners to review changes to files they work on, toggle Require approval from code owners.
  6. Select Protect.
  7. In the table of branches, find the rule marked as Default. (Depending on your version of GitLab, this branch may be named main or master.) Set the values for this branch to match the settings you used for the 1.* rule.

Your rules are now in place, even though no 1.* branches exist yet:

main and 1.x are now protected

Create the release branches

Now that all branch protections in place, you’re ready to create your 1.0.0 release branch:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Code > Branches.
  2. On the top right, select New branch. Name it 1.0.0.
  3. Select Create branch.

The branch protections are now visible in the UI:

  • On the left sidebar, select Code > Branches. In the list of branches, branch 1.0.0 should be show that it is protected:

    List of branches, showing 1.0.0 is protected

  • On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository, then expand Branch rules to see details about all protected branches:

    List of protected branches and their protections

Congratulations! Your engineers can work independently in their feature branches, and all code submitted for consideration for the 1.0.0 release branch will be reviewed by subject matter experts.