Vulnerability Page

Each vulnerability in a project has a vulnerability page containing details of the vulnerability, including:

  • Description
  • When it was detected
  • Current status
  • Available actions
  • Linked issues
  • Actions log

If the scanner determined the vulnerability to be a false positive, an alert message is included at the top of the vulnerability’s page.

When a vulnerability is no longer detected in a project’s default branch, you should change its status to Resolved. This ensures that if it is accidentally reintroduced in a future merge, it is reported again as a new record. To change the status of multiple vulnerabilities, use the Vulnerability Report’s Activity filter.

Vulnerability status values

A vulnerability’s status can be:

  • Detected: The default state for a newly discovered vulnerability. Appears as “Needs triage” in the UI.
  • Confirmed: A user has seen this vulnerability and confirmed it to be accurate.
  • Dismissed: A user has seen this vulnerability and dismissed it because it is not accurate or otherwise not to be resolved. Dismissed vulnerabilities are ignored if detected in subsequent scans.
  • Resolved: The vulnerability has been fixed or is no longer present. If a resolved vulnerability is reintroduced and detected again, its record is reinstated and its status set to detected.

Vulnerability dismissal reasons

Version history
  • Introduced in GitLab 15.11 with a feature flag named dismissal_reason.
  • Enabled on in GitLab 15.11. For self-managed customers, contact Support if you would like to use this feature in GitLab 15.11.
  • Enabled by default in GitLab 16.0.

When dismissing a vulnerability, one of the following reasons must be chosen to clarify why it is being dismissed:

  • Acceptable risk: The vulnerability is known, and has not been remediated or mitigated, but is considered to be an acceptable business risk.
  • False positive: An error in reporting in which a test result incorrectly indicates the presence of a vulnerability in a system when the vulnerability is not present.
  • Mitigating control: A management, operational, or technical control (that is, safeguard or countermeasure) employed by an organization that provides equivalent or comparable protection for an information system.
  • Used in tests: The finding is not a vulnerability because it is part of a test or is test data.
  • Not applicable: The vulnerability is known, and has not been remediated or mitigated, but is considered to be in a part of the application that will not be updated.

Change status of a vulnerability

To change a vulnerability’s status from its Vulnerability Page:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. From the Status dropdown list select a status, then select Change status.

    In GitLab 15.11 and later, you must select a dismissal reason when you change a vulnerability’s status to Dismissed.

  5. Optionally, at the bottom of the page, add a comment to the log entry.

Details of the status change, including who made the change and when, are recorded in the vulnerability’s action log.

Creating an issue for a vulnerability

From a vulnerability’s page you can create an issue to track all action taken to resolve or mitigate it.

You can create either:

Creating a Jira issue requires that Jira integration is enabled on the project. Note that when Jira integration is enabled, the GitLab issue feature is not available.

Create a GitLab issue for a vulnerability

To create a GitLab issue for a vulnerability:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. Select Create issue.

An issue is created in the project, pre-populated with information from the vulnerability report. The issue is then opened so you can take further action.

Create a Jira issue for a vulnerability


  • Enable Jira integration. The Enable Jira issue creation from vulnerabilities option must be selected as part of the configuration.
  • Each user must have a personal Jira user account with permission to create issues in the target project.

To create a Jira issue for a vulnerability:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. Select Create Jira issue.
  5. If you’re not already logged in to Jira, sign in.

The Jira issue is created and opened in a new browser tab. The Summary and Description fields are pre-populated from the vulnerability’s details.

Unlike GitLab issues, the status of whether a Jira issue is open or closed does not display in the GitLab user interface.

Linking a vulnerability to issues

If Jira issue support is enabled, GitLab issues are disabled so this feature is not available.

You can link a vulnerability to one or more existing GitLab issues. Adding a link helps track the issue that resolves or mitigates a vulnerability.

Issues linked to a vulnerability are shown in the Vulnerability Report and the vulnerability’s page.

Be aware of the following conditions between a vulnerability and a linked issue:

  • The vulnerability page shows related issues, but the issue page doesn’t show the vulnerability it’s related to.
  • An issue can only be related to one vulnerability at a time.
  • Issues can be linked across groups and projects.

To link a vulnerability to existing issues:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. In the Linked issues section, select the plus icon ().
  5. For each issue to be linked, either:
    • Paste a link to the issue.
    • Enter the issue’s ID (prefixed with a hash #).
  6. Select Add.

The selected issues are added to the Linked issues section, and the linked issues counter is updated.

Resolve a vulnerability

For some vulnerabilities a solution is already known. In those instances, a vulnerability’s page includes a Resolve with merge request option.

The following scanners are supported by this feature:

To resolve a vulnerability, you can either:

Create merge request from vulnerability

Resolve a vulnerability with a merge request

To resolve the vulnerability with a merge request:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. From the Resolve with merge request dropdown list, select Resolve with merge request.

A merge request is created which applies the patch required to resolve the vulnerability. Process the merge request according to your standard workflow.

Resolve a vulnerability manually

To manually apply the patch that GitLab generated for a vulnerability:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability’s description.
  4. From the Resolve with merge request dropdown list, select Download patch to resolve.
  5. Ensure your local project has the same commit checked out that was used to generate the patch.
  6. Run git apply remediation.patch.
  7. Verify and commit the changes to your branch.
  8. Create a merge request to apply the changes to your main branch.
  9. Process the merge request according to your standard workflow.

Enable security training for vulnerabilities

Introduced in GitLab 14.9.

Security training is not accessible in an environment that is offline, meaning computers that are isolated from the public internet as a security measure. Some third-party training vendors may require you to sign up for a free account. Sign up for an account by going to any of Secure Code Warrior, Kontra, or SecureFlag. GitLab does not send any user information to these third-party vendors; we do send the CWE or OWASP identifier and the language name of the file extension.

Security training helps your developers learn how to fix vulnerabilities. Developers can view security training from selected educational providers, relevant to the detected vulnerability.

To enable security training for vulnerabilities in your project:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Security configuration.
  3. On the tab bar, select Vulnerability Management.
  4. To enable a security training provider, turn on the toggle.

Each integration submits the Vulnerability identifier, for example CWE or OWASP, and the language to the security training vendor. The resulting link to the vendor training is what appears in a GitLab Vulnerability.

View security training for a vulnerability

Introduced in GitLab 14.9.

The vulnerability page may include a training link relevant to the detected vulnerability if security training is enabled. The availability of training depends on whether the enabled training vendor has content matching the particular vulnerability. Training content is requested based on the vulnerability identifiers. The identifier given to a vulnerability varies from one vulnerability to the next and the available training content varies between vendors. Some vulnerabilities do not display training content. Vulnerabilities with a CWE are most likely to return a training result.

To view the security training for a vulnerability:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Search GitLab () to find your project.
  2. Select Secure > Vulnerability report.
  3. Select the vulnerability for which you want to view security training.
  4. Select View training.